Saturday 26 November 2005

Christmas Tree, Angels and Narfiness

I dreamed this morning that I was putting up the Christmas tree with my sister Belinda, and after we finished we were driving somewhere and it started to snow...

Yeah right it's been around 30 degrees celcius here for several weeks, there no hope of SA ever having a white christmas, in fact some people go as far as having a big Christmas meal on 25 June, so that they can enjoy the decadent feast without the stiffling and appetite sapping heat...

Anyway I was inspired when I woke up, and since it's less than a month to go before Christmas the boys and I set up our little tree, and got their advent calendar set up and ready to roll on Thursday. It's a really nice calendar we found marked down in the middle of the year, where you can slot your own treats into a little pocket. Last year we waited to long and could only find one of those over priced one's with the chocolates behind the windows, so they had to share...

On finding the Christmas hats the boys quickly put them on, so I took some photos of them, to use for our Christmas card. It seemed much easier than the usual way I do it, which is to take a photo of the 2 of them together and with my limited graphics skills I attempt to draw hats on their heads!

I am feeling VERY narfy today, not sure why, but I am suspecting it's lovely hormones. I wish this bloody Mirena would go back to working the way it used to, life was great without monthly mood swings and causeless depression.

The result has been that I have done pretty much nothing else. The boys have been swimming and watching TV and I have been mooching around and looking at old e-mails and pictures.
I must start on the familly Christmas presents and getting Quinn's school clothes labelled, but I just don't have the energy and motivation today... so I am basically wasting a day and snacking way too much ;). At least the pool is mostly fixed in that we have a brand new pump and filter and the water is clean and sprakly again in time for us to enjoy it in summer, but the Creepy Crawly is just not happy and its pulse rate goes down after just 30 sec or so, and you basically have to nurse it along. It's become quite anthropomorphic actually... and I have been know to talk to it in both coaxing and scolding tones ;)

I took this photo of Quinn and I earlier because I realised I haven't done that for ages. Griffin didn't want to cooperate, so I gave up...

I have been looking through old e-mails I sent to ppl which pretty much track a lot of what I have done and felt over the past few years. i have decided to add them to this blog in relevant date order, as an accululated diary of sorts. Who knows it may mean something to someone eventually. I have already added my Thailand trip stories and the UDU account I wrote. More to follow...

I am considering having my hair done (again) because besides spending 3.5 hours getting it done by a trainee last week (who messed dye on my favorite pink top!), it looks exactly the same! Now annoying is that!?

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