Monday 28 November 2005

MCQP are you ready!?

Well it's almost that time of the year again, and time to start getting ready for MCQP.
It is THE PARY OF THE YEAR in Cape Town.

MCQP stands for Mother City Queer Project. "The first plan was a queer tribal gathering formatted as an Art Event and a themed costume party. The first project in 1994, 'The Locker Room Project,' was such a hysterical success, that MCQP has grown up to become an annual event on the international queer circuit party calendar. And this year, with Andre's handing the reigns over to new owners, it's an African first: a Party Brand being sold!"

^-2003 Tea Bags

Earl Grey

See the official website for more info.

Here are some of the previous themes, and our take on them...

  • 1998 - Safari Camp - we wore Safari Suits and pinked them up a bit. It was at the Riverclub and was really fun.
  • 1999 - Heavenly Bodies at the Nico Malan - We were shooting stars. This one was AWESOME (and I was 8.5 months pregnant at the time). We had a blast.
  • 2000 - Toy Box at the Goodhope Center- we went as 2 Blind Mice (the 3rd chickened out at the last moment - asswipe). This was not the best year.
  • 2001- Farm Fresh - I missed it due to having a 3-week-old baby. Richard went as a sheep/Ozzie Prozzie. LOL
  • 2002 - The Wedding, at the Castle. This one was fun. I was 'Braaied' and Richard was 'Just Marinated', we puned the bridal theme, with the traditional SA BBQ called a 'braai'. My sister and her then fiance came along and we had a great time.
  • 2003 - Kitch Kitchen in the CTICC - we were Tea Bags, Richard was Earl Greay and I was Rooibos (Red Bush). Photos above and below.
  • 2004 - Jungle Fever outside the Artscape. We went as Jungle Bunnies. Photos below.
  • 2005 - It's a Circus at Ratanga Junction - we are still deciding what to go as...

2003 Tea Bags
Rooibos (red Bush)

Jungle Bunnies 2004


  1. Would never have guessed you were avid followers of this event.. the pics are brilliant. Hope the 2005 event pics are too follow....!! What a hoot!!

  2. Hi Jane!
    A friend of mine met her husband the night of the MCQP Safari themed event in 1998, but neither of them remember or have been able to find out what exact date it was. It would be great if you could tell me. Hoping you see this, and thanks in advance! Maryanne

  3. Hi Maryanne, how sweet! It would have been 19 Dec. It's always the Saturday between 16-25 Dec. 💛

  4. Wow great!! Thanks very much! 🤗🤗🤗

    1. You're welcome. I hope they are happy and thriving! :)
