Tuesday 1 November 2005

I am not a RHPS virgin anymore...

Just got back from an incredible experience. It is Halloween and I am in Montreal, and it seems to be taken quite seriously here. The hotel staff were all very dressed up and ppl in the streets have been in costume since I got here a few days ago and there are pumpkins etc everywhere... Anyway we went to Rocky Horror Picture Show and it was excellent - very MCQPish... It was in a big old theatre (The Corona), which is a mix between the Labia and the Valve, and was the movie, and a show combined - it was brilliant. We were right at the top at the back and they had the movie screening and then were acting it out on the stage in front of the screen and had a voice commentating, very clever and VERY funny. Well worth seeing :)
Everybody else in the audience had obviously seen it many times and knew all the appropriate reactions and heckling etc. Not to mention the rice, water, newspaper toast, playing cards etc, and the calls of Asshole, Slut etc. I presume you know all this...? I didn't ;) Being a newly deflowered virgin and all.

I had heard so much about the movie and knew the songs, but had never actually seen it before.
It was very gay and debaucherous, with loads of inuendo and blatant sexuality. Also they called ppl up on stage before the show (best dressed I think) and they were given a minute to perform and impress the audience. The last guy who was dressed pretty normal followed on after 2 girls who had stripped and simulated lesbian sex and slapping etc ! and had a tough act to follow called a girl down when it was his turn. She was HUGE. He said 'this will be good' when the compaire told him he better have something planned. He ended up proposing to her. It was very weird/funny/sweet etc at the same time.

Here's more than you ever wanted to know about Rocky Horror partici...Pation!

And here is the full script if you'd like to read it.
and here are the closest pictures I could find of a very similar production.

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