Saturday 19 November 2005

We have a Graduate in the family now.

We attended Quinn's Grade R dinner and 'Graduation' on Friday night. It was so sweet.

The school went to so much trouble. We had received very official invitations telling us to arrive dressed elegantly. We had to feed the children before we arrived, and siblings had to be left at home. It was all very proper.

The kids had all been primed to tell their parents 'teacher Sharon said you are going to eat dinner on the small chairs, but it's ok because she sits on them every day, and they are quite comfortable'.

Well when we arrived the class room was all closed up and we weren't allowed to see it.

We all enjoyed a drink and mingle and were then ushered down to the courtyard, where we watched their little show. They said poems and sang songs, and generally behaved very grown-up. Some of the boys even had their new Grade 1 school blazers on and looked very smart. They finished the show by singing 'In the Morning of My Life' from Goodbye Mr Chips, which I always find moving, but this time it was especially so... *sniff*

Then it was time for speeches and dinner. we were sent into the class, and were surprised to find, not the small tables and chairs, but the class had been transformed into a smart dinning area with large tables and chairs, wine glasses, candles, place cards and various decorations etc. It looked very impressive.

We each got decorated gift boxes next to our place cards containing a chocolate and fortune cookie type message slip. Many of the parents got a messages of love and caring, but Quinn seems more concerned about the stuff he's received. *tsk tsk*
  • My note said, 'Thank-you Mommy for getting all those presents for me'
  • Richard's said, 'Thank-you Daddy for giving us that milkshake'
The teacher also read out answers to questions she had asked them. First was what they want to be when they grow up... [Quinn has previously told me he want's to be 'a doctor who helps babies come out', 'an astronaut' (inspired by Mark Shuttleworth - he has seen the soyuz capsule at the Science Centre and the video footage, and also knows that I work for Mark) or 'a dentist'.] . Many of the kids said security gaurd, teacher, ballet dancer, karate instructor, one said Accountant (shame!). Quinn decided it would be Pilot this time. Fair enough.

Then they were asked why they love their Mommy/Daddy. here answers were mostly about love, cuddles, spending time together, being tucked into bed etc. Quinn said he loves me 'because I make his dinner, and make the mashed potato into faces and fun shapes'. Awww! :) He said he loves Richard 'because of all the treats'. There does seem to be a theme of materialism coming through, but we suspect that he didn't want to divulge real emotions to his teacher, since he is fairly shy and sensitive about being exposed emotionally.

Sharon and the principal Janine spoke about how the children had grown and matured into what they are now, and how sad it is to see them go etc. It was very touching and nice to hear. After than each child was called up in turn to collect their Graduation photos, certificate and progress report. See photos here.
Then it was time for dinner. Each couple had their very own waiter - it was the kid's turn to serve US for a change. They had to come and tell us what was on offer and listen to our choice and then take our plates through the crowded maze of tables, up some stairs and to the food serving area. Quinn got our orders 100% right and returned with food and plates intact - (a few other children dropped the plates on the way) so if nothing else we know he'd do well a waiter. We tipped him by sneaking the chocolates on the table to him. It was nice chatting to the other parents and having the children feel so important and special.

Since we were all dressed up anyway, after dropping Quinn off at home and very ready for bed, Richard and I went to the Body Spectra event. We had been before and really enjoyed it. This time it was at Grand West. We missed the first half, because we got there late. We mostly felt that this year wasn't as good as the first one we saw (I think it was in 2002) especially in terms of how the work was displayed and choreographed, they only had 45 seconds to show case the work and many of the models seemed to be self-concious and shy. It was still pretty spectacular none the less, and the MC Dave Levinsohn, really made it entertaining and enjoyable. He has a very good way of ad libbing and interacting with the audience, and being quite audacious really. We had fun.

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