Friday 20 January 2006

An amazing not so KAK, kak show!

I love Corne and Twakkie and it might be just because they are so extremely KAK.

They try to come across as so kuul, but they are actually cringe-worthy. They are very comfortable in their roles and I think that's what makes it work. They are South African trailer park trash, stuck in 70s bad taste. They have totally become their personas and even with bad styling and very obviously fake mustaches it is hard to imagine them as normal people. They ARE Corne and Twakkie.

Corne fancies himself as a bit of a lady's man or 'love doctor', replete with huge bulging something (polony?) in his pants, while Twakkie is a madly keen but slightly dim badly treated side kick.

They are 'flippin amazing guy', and have created a concept called the Most Amazing Show or TMAS. Which started as small stage skits and now is on TV. 'Beleeve it, becos it's trew!'

We saw them in Kalk Bay a few years back and they were flippin hilarious guy. In fact they got Richard on stage with a group for a skit. At the end he was told ' out of a kak group, you are by far the KAKest!'. Very funny at the time... applaud

The TV show has been on for 3 weeks now, and because I know and love them I loved the show, but will admit if it was the first I saw of them I might be thinking what the f**k...? I hope the show gets more slick and polished in the next few weeks/months and it might just become a huge hit and certainly FAR better than that god awful *LOL* show we had... I'll watch with keen interest. supergrin

Catch them on Tuesday between 22:00 - 23:00 on SABC 2.

Go South African comedy!
Keep it in the style of luuurve.

Other stage shows they have done have had titles such as 'Culture Klap', 'A brand new not KAK show', 'Tokillasunrise' and 'The completely not very kak party'.

You are likely to either love them or hate them....

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