Wednesday 18 January 2006

Right at home

I went to collect Quinn at 12:00 at the end of his first day of school, and guess what? He didn't want to come home!

I had actually anticipated this happening so I took a lunch bag along with me. (Thanks Aunty Bee for the awesome cool Shrek lunch bag!)

I arrived at his class, and he was standing relaxed and waiting for me to arrive. He showed me the class next door where some of his other friends were, and said he'd seen Scott from Madison too. After a quick word with his teacher we went out to the after care class, which is a huge Wendy house right across from his class room.

The after-care lady greeted us, and when I gave Quinn the option to stay he immediately said yes, and went in to carry on playing with his friends Blayde and Delan who were already there.

He was glad that I had brought his watch (we forgot to put it on this morning) and an exciting looking packed lunch.

He was then happy for me to go again. Of course I was annoying first and insisted on taking more photos.

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