Tuesday 28 February 2006

My bank account has ebola...

No wait it is SARS!

Today is D-day for paying my provisional tax return, and yes I have left it to the last minute...

Up to now it has been a matter of filling in a form and posting it off, as I have had to pay PAYE upfront on all my earnings. But now that I work for Canonical, I get my gross salary paid to me (from the Isle of Man nogal) and I have to figure the taxation out myself.

I have really enjoyed having all the extra cash sloshing around in my bank account and making things feel nice and bouyant. ( Are you getying the puns on liquidity?), but sadly I have to dosh over basically a full year's tax TODAY. I have had to phone the bank to up my daily trasfer limit.

I have beeen sure to make my estimates a little conservative, because for once I don't want to have to claim tax back in my return. So when I get my tax return fully completed and checked over by a more qualified person, I am sure I will need to pay in some more to square things up.

For now I will lament that sweet moolah which was doing such a good job of lining my bank account, and making me feel opulent and secure. I am also going to need to watch my budget closely again.

I see RED.

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