Thursday 2 March 2006

Test your intelligence

Something which really revels my inner-geek, is my love for brain-teasers, lateral thinking and IQ tests.

I have been known to spend hours of my free time doing IQ tests and other puzzles, because once I get started I don't want to stop. I really enjoy the challenge.

I have stopped short of doing the mensa exam (even though I was invited to sit it after completing the on-line work out) for the silly reason that I would rather go through life thinking I *could* be a mensa memeber - rather than knowing I am NOT. Lame I know.

I was sent the link to these 2 tests today.
I have previously seen a similar one to the first, but the second is all new.

Here they are:

Intelligence Test Part 1

Intelligence Test Part 2

I got:
33/33 for test number 1,
applaud and
- 21/24 for test 2 so far, but I will be pondering it some more until I crack it!

Update: I now have 22/24 - after 24-hours. I got 16/24 immediately, and others came to me during the day. I am still stuck on the last 2... *think* *think*

Another Update: Ok I now have 24/24 - but was given the last 2 answers... PAH. It's not half as satisfying as figuring it out for yourself... still at least now I will stop being tormented by this test, and can again rest with a calm mind...

Test yourself and see how you do.

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