Friday 24 March 2006

Kirby really SUCKS

I got a call from a Kirby rep the other night. The scripted lines I was being read, sounded suspiciously like those time-share cons... Where they tell you you have won a fantastic prize guaranteed, can you come in to collect it, at 4, 6 or 8pm tomorrow?

If you are stupid enough to go. Yes I did go ONCE. You have to sit through a torturous sales pitch and are pretty much brain washed into signing up for a life-long time-share deal, to get a flat screen TV or some other crap. They are pretty convincing too.

If you don't sign up there and then you get a voucher for one free coke in Mauritius - Gee thanks!

Luckily Richard and I attended together and although they tried hard, we refused to be put on the spot and insisted on being allowed to go away and think about it. Once we were out of their brain-control-zone and could think clearly again it was obvious it was a big sham, and a huge waste of money.

So I was skeptical listening to the woman saying I could get one carpeted room in my house cleaned for FREE, no strings attached at all. I questioned her for a few minutes saying I was not interested in being conned etc. She was adamant that there was no con or underhandedness, they were simply market researching their new machine and wanted to test public opinion.

I asked how much the machine would sell for, and she said they hadn't even decided on a price or anything yet, they first wanted to see how the machine would be received etc. I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt, and arranged for them to come around yesterday evening.

The demo was meant to take about 45 mins.

The demo lady arrived with a Kirby Ultimate G Diamond Edition and started on the cream coloured lounge carpet. I stepped in after about 15 minutes, and she was hauling an impressive amount of dust, cat hair and general crap out of the carpet. I whispered to Richard that a Kirby like that would cost about R10 000. He reckoned it would be more like R5000. I shrugged and went off to gym. On my return the carpet was sparkley clean after a thorough vacuum and dry-foam cleaning - which apparently took 2.5 hours with all her demonstrating in between. This machine has a million attachments including a belt-sander which she reckons doubles as a massager. Alrighty!

Richard said the machine looked great and the demo was interesting and she was nice, BUT she dropped her lip when he declined to buy the thing there and then, for.... wait for it....

R16 995.00!!!! **

There is no way in hell I am spending that kind of money on this:
even if it can do back flips, or whatever...

(** Note that the linked site is listing that model for $699USD, which calculates to no more than R4500, so it seems a royal rip off as well.)

So nice job on the carpet Kirby rep, thanks! Come back in a year or so, when we need it done again. ;P

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!!!! Now I'm glad I have always declined
