Monday 27 March 2006

Sunday snack

I don't have much to say today... the week-end was nice, but fairly uneventful.

On Friday we popped into a local girls school Oakhurst's fun evening. It was very blah. Not half as good as the Rondebosch event, and I was not very impressed with the school grounds. They were also over charging for everything which wasn't cool. I understand that the whole point is fund raising but they shouldn't be ripping ppl off. We were home by 8pm.

On Saturday I took a run/walk to Cavendish and bought Quinn a hockey stick and ball, as he'll be playing Hockey as one of his winter sports. I also found some good deals at a clothing factory shop I got t-shirts for the kids for R10 and a jersey for me for R30, I did some other browsing and shopping for bits and pieces. I then walked back to the cricket club (about 8km in total) where I met Richard and the boys and we relaxed and played for a bit, before getting burgers and going home for an early dinner. I enjoyed watching 'Shirley Valentine' again.

On Sunday I went to gym and enjoyed some coffee quietly on my own (bliss), and then went shopping for groceries. In the afternoon we went back to the cricket club to meet some friends for a picnic. They all had bikes and we also played cricket for a while. We had been planning to go to the beach, but it was too windy and cold.

Quinn did a lot of writing practice over the course of the week-end and I think I have managed to succesful explain the the more seriously he practices now the less extra practice he will have to do. I also managed to create ways for him to get extra practice without him realising, by giving him some sums to work out etc, which he really enjoys, and then got him to concentrate on writing the answers nicely. Afterwards he also read a whole small board book to me.

A pretty uneventful week-end's a fun snack I made for the boys last night.

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