Monday 13 March 2006

Robbie Williams

So it seems like we are going to see Robbie Williams in April! It will be a birthday treat for Richard and I.

We had decided not to go for a number of reasons but mostly because there was mayhem surrounding the purchase of the tickets, and they were sold out within hours of being released. I was not going to lower myself to sleeping on pavements for days on end to secure a crappy seat at a concert. I thought the whole thing was a bit over-hyped and over-rated. Also people have bought up tickets and are now selling them for up to R5000 each!

I do however really like Robbie Williams. He has grown on me as an entertainer over the past few years. His songs have become better and I can't deny that he is quite a showman. In fact he become a performing phenomenon and really commands his crowds at his shows.

Having watched one of his concerts on TV, it looks like it is absolutely amazing to be there, and he is totally and charasmatically in charge or everything, and makes it look effortless. So I had been feeling a little dissappointed that we wouldn't be going... when one of Richard's friends told him he had 2 extra tickets, and would sell them for R360 each, which is only a small mark-up on what he paid for them. Richard swiftly accepted them.
I used to find Robbie to be an arrogant spoiled brat, which I did not find appealing at all. I still find him to be a spoiled brat, but somehow he is very alluring too. I think something about the juxstapostion between his checky cock-suredness and slight child-like insecurity is very appealing. Wahtever it is, he knows what he is doing, and how to work his fans.

We will let him entertain us and will be tripping!

1 comment:

  1. I can't say that I like him much but like you say, he is a good entertainer. Have a great time
