Tuesday 14 March 2006

We need a cow

We need a cow in this household! because I can't keep up with the demand for milk...

No, no it's not what you might be thinking - if you have a dirty mind! *My* supply was plenty, while it lasted. But I retired from that exercise several years ago thank-you.

Although we never really drink milk by the glass or really cook with it, we seem to consume and inordinate amount of milk in tea, coffee and cereal.

Case in point, I bought 10 liters of milk on Friday morning, by this morning (Tuesday) it was all but gone! Today I bought another 14 liters.

I am hoping it will last till the end of the week. Like I said we need our own cow here!


  1. There is another alternative...

  2. Yes veganism is an alternative, but it is quite a radical one, and although some aspects of it do appeal to me, I am not sure I fully agree with it.

    While I myself favour a vegetarin lifestsyle with occasional meat additions, and vary rarely egg, I have in my life come across many pale, pasty and frankly unhealthy vegans/vegetarians in my life - mostly other kids when I was at school. Unless it is done properly it in not a more healthy way of life. I am not to hung up on the ethics. Yes I think animals are treated badly, and I try to avoid that and support humane enterprises, but really these animals only exist because we bred them for food. It's called the food chain, the circle of life. Deal with it, it is reality. Living in Africa where things are closer to source and less processed and removed from their original form, it's more real as far as I am concerned.

    Also I am not certain that substituting 14l of cows milk for 14l of soy milk is that much of a good thing.

    Most of the milk is consumed by my husband and domestic. I use it in tea/coffee, and the kids have tea (on average once a day sometime less) and cereal 2/3 times a week.

    Besides cows are cute!

  3. I have three kids and have the same problem!

  4. It definitely comes with having kids. We go through milk like noting too. WE buy 2 litres of milk a day and wake up many a morning without milk in the house

  5. We only use soy milk (I'm big on soya). My daughter hated it at the beginning but she couldn't eat her cereals without milk so in time she got used to it that its all normal now.
