Wednesday 15 March 2006

There is nothing more satisfying than being sexually fit.

Or so the description of the video says...

Our local South African version of ( you know... click click - ding dong!) has been clearing out it's warehouses by marking down various items in turn.

I bought a stock of nicely priced kiddies books a week ago. These will serve as new reading books for Quinn, whose reading skills are developing daily, and some with good as gifts for various young friends and family etc. I like to keep a gift box filled with interesting bits and peices I find on good deals along the way, it makes those frequent day-before-the-party invitations less stressful.

This week I got an e-mail saying they are clearing out their video stocks. I went to take a look at lunch time. There were some nice kiddies titles (Bob the Builder, Angelina Ballerina, Kipper etc) and a few more adult centric ones. All for only R24.95 - that just over 2GBP and 4USD! Cheap in any currency.

So I decided to order a few to stock up that gift box, and then decided to throw in a few titles for myself.

I chose:
* Yogalates - Yoga and Pilates - yeah I get that, they are pretty similar, and my yoga teacher often incorporates pilates postures and movements into our yoga classes.

* Yogaboxing - WTF is that? I have NO IDEA what that is going to be, but I like yoga and I like kata box (aka Tae Bo) so what the hell let's give it a try!

* Better Sex Through Yoga 3 - *Snigger* Well, because as it says 'There is nothing more satisfying than being sexually fit.' Oh, ok then. Right, so why vol 3. Advanced? Not vol 1. Beginner, or Vol 2. Intermediate? Because I reckon with 8 years of yoga under my belt, and several more in the other department I could be considered to be advanced - and not just in age! This should be fun!

I'll let you know if they are any good ;)


  1. The tapes arrived today, I'll have to watch them on the week-end... ;)
