Friday 31 March 2006

Term 1 in the bucket

Quinn has just finished his first term of big school, and I think he has done very well.
On Wednesday he bought home the old classic first reading book 'Kathy & Mark'. it was by far the longest book he has brought home, but not a very difficult read at all. He easilly read the whole thing cover-to-cover several times. Pretty fluently too. He now recognises a lot of words by sight, and will sound out any new and unfamiliar ones only.

<- Quinn reading 'Kathy & Mark'.

On the writing front we have been doing some extra practice. He is not always completely enthusiastic, but normally it is relatively easy to get him to oblige. My latest strategy is to let him listen to music on my MP3 player while he works. I think it actually helps him to concentrate better too, because it drowns out other ambient noise and distractions.

Unfortunately much of the practising has been on loose pages, many of which I have thrown out. Here is an example from last week after we saw his teacher:
You can see the large, carelessly formed letters, which are not nicely spaced or on a consistent line...

This was done this week (note the not very subtle and shameless brain-washing!).
Already his letter formation, spacing and word grouping is improving. I mark his work afterwards and give him lots of feedback about the shape, size and spacing of the letters. If either of the 3 are good it gets acknowledged. I am hoping some additional practise in the holiday will help him to catch-up fully.

Quinn came home with his first term report today.

Nearly all his marks are 3/4, which denotes 'Able to fulfull the requirements of the Learning Outcome'. With the exception of 'Task Completion' for which he got 2/4, ' Able to fulfull the requirements of the Learning Outcome at a basic level with support'. Which is what we spoke to the teacher about, so we knew that.

The teacher's comments were:
'Quinn has settled well at school and enjoys participating in learning situations. He has the ability to produce good work and as he matures, I am confident this will be achieved. Quinn is a lively little boy who enjoys the company of his peers. His progress this term is pleasing'

I am happy with that :)

He has also attended a Language and Listening Group this term, to help with Auditory Processing etc. He got a glowing report, and has been told he no longer needs to attend these sessions. Her remarks were:
'Quinn functioned well within the group environment. He was always enthusiastic in the sessions and it has been a pleasure working with him this term. Well done Quinn!'

I'll echo that. Well done Quinn. I am very proud of you!

1 comment:

  1. He's doing great! Congratulations :) It sounds like he is really settling well. Hard to believe its a whole term gone already, isn't it?
