Monday 3 April 2006

Return from the week-end that was.

Yay, I really like my week-ends these days. I try my best not to work now (I'll admit that I do scan my mail a few times and check for IRC pings several times over the week-end anyway, but I do my best to not get drawn into anything which is not a red-alert crisis). Week-nights are either filled with home-work, exercise, or meetings and so I really relish the week-ends for their unstructured freedom.

I have recently started avoiding scheduling too much into my weekends, and make a point of not making commitments to see,do or be anywhere, anything or anyone. Inevitably the week-ends slip past almost unnoticed and are over almost before they start, with me having very little to show for them. I guess I am not the best friend to have anymore. Sorry, to all those that have been neglected over the past year or so.

This week-end had a nice balance between activity and sloth.

On Friday I decided to take the boys to see Ice Age 2, as a treat after finishing the term, and especially Quinn for doing such a great job of his first term of big school. He had been at a swimming party since the end of school that day.

After collecting them I had a bit of time before the movie. I popped into a La Senza factory shop I noticed a while back, there was a sale on. Only the dregs were left but I walked out with a cute (well I think it's cute) hat, and pair of fish-net stockings. Cos you never know when you'll be needing a pair of those ;).

The hat was R10, even Quinn said, 'Wow, that's CHEAP!', when I told him the original price of R189 he indignantly exclaimed ' Who would pay that much for a silly old hat!?'.

<- So here it is... ta da! I thought it would come in handy during winter bad-hair days ;)

So once I got my retail therapy over with we zooted off to the cinema, via the pop-corn vendor. Ice Age 2 was fun, and Griffin thoroughly enjoyed it. He giggled and gaffawed loudly at all the funny bits and gasped dramatically and slapped his hand over his mouth at every thrilling part. At one point he covered his eyes and squealed, "I can't watch this, it's scary!". It has definately been his most keenly watched movie.

One part made me laugh a lot. The dung beetle family is preparing to leave and the dad is heaving a huge ball of dung up a hill. He stops and says, ' Do we have to take this CRAP?... I'm sure there's crap where we're going!'. Tee Hee.

It was dark by the time we left, so I decided to take the kids for dinner at McDonalds before heading home. Half of Cape Town had the same idea, so the queue was long. Luckilly there is a play are so the boys had a nice long play, while I waited in the queue.

On Saturday I decided to go for a run, and managed 8km before I gave up, near the end I felt a familiar twang in my left outer knee (a ligament I think). After a shower and change I was off to a Hilton Weiner clothing sale at a friend's house. Way better than a tupperware party! I did not intend to buy anything, but she cunningly provided bottles of bubbly to drink, so we were soon trying everything on and buying it. I got a pair of cream coloured well fitting slacks and a pale yellow fitted blouse and a nice smart white shirt for Richard.

After that I met up with the 3 boys in Rondebosch where I was just in time to catch the tail end of the UCT Rag Float procession. It was quite fun and feastive. There was meant to be a carnival but we didn't find it easilly, and everyone was tired of walking so we walked to a shop, bought some snacks and enjoyed them in a nearby park.

After that we took the boys cycling at the Cricket Club. I tried another run, but my left knee was started to hurt and after about 2km of gentle run/walking I could hardly walk anymore. I think I need to see a chiropractor as it seems to be my spine and pelvis which is not quite aligned. Since then my neck has seized up and is really painful on the right hand side, ouch!

I had hoped to go look at the Symphony of Lights at the Waterfront on Saturday night but we stayed in instead, and watched the Butterfly Effect on TV. I got to hear the fireworks though, and they were LOUD! It sounded like a historical war with cannon fire The finale is next Saturday, and I am going to make a plan to go somewhere to see it.We previously climbed up Lion's Head to watch, and it was wonderful , I wonder if the boys will manage that? Possibly around the first circuit before the chains? I'll think about it. I think getting back down after 9pm in the dark may be the main issue...

I have discovered I am a little addicted to watching House. Because when Richard told me it was finished my immediate and rapid reaction was 'Surely the whole show isn't finished there must be other seasons we can tape, rent, buy, dowload, steal!?' LOL. Hey it's a good show!

On Sunday I went to gym, and since my ailing knee wouldn't let me do more than a light walk, I hit the circuit instead. My arms and shoulders hurt now! I do seem to be developing a little bicep though, it's barely visible and doesn't stand up to being squeezed.

After lunch I took the boys to Camp's Bay beach, because the weather was suddenly clear, mild and windless. A perfect Cape Town afternon. There won't be many beach days left before winter hits, so we took our chance.

There were loads of people enjoying the beach and Camp's Bay was thronging with people. Q& G had a lovely time rolling around in the breaking waves.

The view of the mountain from Camps Bay was magical.

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