Tuesday 4 April 2006

Rain, pain and all terrain

It's raining in Cape Town. YAY! \o/

We had a brief smattering on rain on Sunday night, followed by some proper rain late yesterday afternoon, it is still raining this morning. That steady light almost silent rain of the Cape winter. I love it. It's not really cold yet, just cool, so it's perfect weather.

On the pain side my knee has improved and seems fine now, I even did kata boxing last night without really feeling any discomfort, but my neck is getting worse and worse. OMG I feel like a need a neck brace, I am in agony. I think I need to go to a chirpractor to get all my bits out back where they should be... This is not fun. Sitting at my desk is pure agony... but then so is lying down, so I guess I'll just stay here.

Richard's bicycle was stolen a few years ago, and I have decided to get him a new one for his birthday, as he prefers riding a bike for exercise and relaxing and to have some time out alone. He has chosen the bike he wants, and it costs more than I was expecting, so he will be chipping in for it too. I must admit it's a lovely looking bike. I think it's a Scott. It looks like it will be a good bike for either on or off road riding. He'll probably get it this week, which is weeks before his birthday, but what can I do!?

(I noticed the seat height adjusts easilly, so I will definately be borrowing it ;) )

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