Wednesday 5 April 2006


Or as Richard put it " put your back out ... and then you put it in again ... you do the hokey cockey ..."

In my case my neck has decided it no longer wants to play nice.

I have been in agony since Sunday night, and it's got progressively worse. It is so stiff I can no longer turn or move it in any way. Any tilting causes extreme pain.

I went to the chiro yesterday and got no relief and since last night I have been on myprodol (post-op pain medication) and it doesn't seem to do anything to help either... I spent today in an almost full recline on my bed - and it is not easy to type like that.

I am losing my sense of humour about this now.

Oh body what are you doing to me?

If this is a message: I'd prefer an e-mail or SMS's thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Ouch. Sounds like you are in a lot of pain. I hope you feel better soon.
