Tuesday 25 April 2006

A flippen amazing evening!

Richard and I went out on Saturday night and had a fab time.

First we went to Diva's in Obs, for pizza and a bottle of wine. They make the yummiest pizzas there, with very different toppings. I LOVE the Salmon, capers and creme cheese one, it has a very light base, with not much cheese and it's divine.

After that we crossed the road to the Independent armchair theatre, to sit on the floot as see Corne and Twakkie in The Most Amazing Show. It was fun and funny. It was very interactive with the audience. Richard got straddled by Twakkie and given a big hug before being told he looked like a really tall Shrek! *LOL*
After the show they hung around singing merchadise and talking to people. I ended up offering them a drink. Corne was very schmoozey about it and wanted what I was having. When I asked him what Twakkie drinks he said, 'oh just water from the tap is fine for the Twakkie' ! *shame* I got the poor guy a beer. In return I got hugs from both. *swoon*

Richard took a photo of Twakkie and I (I'll post it when I get it), and then got a poster signed for me. Twakkie wrote 'Hey lady, I love the Sh*t out of your boobs' !!! (I think he was put up to that by Richard - how rude!) :)

We watched them playing foosball, which was quite entertaining, and then after they left some pretty cool West African drum and bass music started. At times the music sounded Cuban (and pretty cool) but mostly stuck to West African percusion and instrumentals. A group of us started dancing and soon the floor space was quite full.

After a while the hugely popular local band Freshly Ground arrived (on a night out) and started dancing with us. I took the opportunity to give Zolani a hug, because I think she is amazing and has the most incredible voice ever. She is so cute and really tiny.
It was such a fun evening.

1 comment:

  1. That does sound great!!! We all need that type of night more often
