Friday 28 April 2006

Tokai Mountain Bike Challenge

We went to the Tokai Mountain Bike Challenge yesterday. It was good fun.

We thought we were too late but we managed to get there in time to borrow a helmet from some friends and register Quinn for the kiddies race.

He was not going to go, and then said he did want to go, as his friend was entering, and then said he wanted to participate. So once I had him all registered he said he didn't want to do it. I can be such a fuss pot sometimes! Turns out he thought the helmet wasn't fitting properly and that made him otherwise *roll eyes* Once the helmet was tightened he was happy to go on.

The kids got a chance to ride around on the field and practise on the ramp for 20 minutes or so. We weren't too sure what was going on and thought it was just a very informal race and Quinn did a lot of riding in that time. After a while they were called to get ready to start the actual race. Which was about 1km. Which he had already done. The course required them to circuit the field 3 times and go over the ramp on each circuit.

This was Quinn's first attempt at the ramp...

and riding down the other side....
and off he goes at the start of the race...
coming back past on one of the circuits...
and zooming down the ramp again!
He was having so much fun that he did 4 circuits in the end. He was very sweaty at the end, and was very impressed that afterwards he got a 'free' coke and a meddal. Well deserved. :)

There was also a 16km adult ride on a 5+km circuit through the forest. It looked like so much fun that I am keen to give it a shot next year. Watch this space.


  1. That looks like it was so fun! Seb would love to do that :)

  2. That looks awesome. Quintus would love that allot!
