Wednesday 3 May 2006

Birthday Camp-out

We went camping again for the Worker's Day long week-end, which happened to also include Richard and my Birthday's on the 30th. Yes, we are born on the same day, exactly 10 years apart (cue the violins please).

We went to our usual local, tried and tested spot. Richard took the kids during Friday morning and got the camp set-up, but as I had to work I only left home after 5pm. A bit of chaos ensued regarding the co-ordinating of packing, resulting in us having NO cutlery, besdes one sharp knife, a t-spoon and a spatula, but we managed to survive with that. As the boys have out grown their beach tent we bought them a new tent. Their matresss is dwarfed in it, so now they need a new bigger matress!

It may not have been the best weather for camping, as it was rather cold, rained a few times and was VERY VERY VERY windy, especially at night. We ended up buying hot water bottles for the boys, which they were thrilled with and have used every night since.

We mostly did nothing but lie around relax, cook, eat and read etc. Camping seems to entail cooking and eating as much meat as possible (for the boys anyway). But I did go for 2 decent runs during the stay (7km and 4km respectively), so I did do something.

The kids spent most of their time playing in the park, and watching the cows and pigs etc. They trampolined until their legs hurt and were ready for bed by about 6pm each night (Note to self, buy a trampoline!).

All in all it was another fun camping week-end.

Our Birthday was fairly uneventful but we did walk to the nearby Farm Stall for a delicious breakfast, and to browse the art shops in the Farm Village.

The Boy's new tent, they love sleeping in their own tent, and being able to sneak off early in the morning.

Showing off their new hot water bottles.
Bouncing on the trampoline in the park.
Quinn on the zip-line.
Griffin on the zip-line (he fell off and did a spectacular face-plant and back-flip, but was fine)
Richard, Quinn and Griffin after our Birthday breakfast at Noordhoek Farm Village.
Quinn as Twakkie

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