Thursday 4 May 2006

4am meetings from hell!

Even though I have now had 6 months to practice I just CAN'T make myself like the monthly 4am Ubuntu Development Team meeting!

We have a 6-hourly rotating meeting schedule and meet at (my time UTC+2) 10am, 4pm, 10pm and 4am. The reason is that because our team is spead from Melbourne to LA, this schedule means that everyone gets some good times and some bad times each month. But the 4am one really kicks my butt!

Although I normally intend to go to bed early on these days it never happens, so I usually get to sleep after 11pm, and normally closer to 12am. Then in anticipation of the meeting I have weird work-related dreams, and wake up often to check the time and make sure I haven't missed the meeting. Then it's up again at 3:45am in order to round up the troops and be compus mentus enough for the 4am start (today I was late and didn't ever do the troop rounding, I must have snoozed my alarm completely unconscously because I woke up at 3:57am, even though my alarm was set for earlier... odd).

Then once the meeting ends and I get back into bed, as around 4:20, I am so mentally alert that I can't get back to sleep, and it takes about an hour to try to still my mind and go back to sleep.

Then normally I can sleep in a bit and Richard handles the morning get kids ready and take them to school, but this week he is a away in Johanesburg, so I had to get up again at 6:45am to do that all myself.


4am meeting are teh sux!

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit, I'm not looking forward to my first 4:00 meeting.
