Monday 8 May 2006

It's our party

and we'll fry if we want to!

Richard and I held a belated birthday celebration yesterday by hosting a brunch at Silvermine Nature Reserve in Cape Town.

Luckily after a few days of cold, and rain in Cape Town, the sun came out and the day was perfect. Sunny and warm, but not too hot.

The reserve is looking stunning, we haven't been there for quite a few years They have removed all the pine trees that were growing, so the reserve is now more indigenous, and they have contructed a board walk and some lovely picnic & braai(barbeque) areas along the banks of the resevoir.

We relaxed with a dozen or so of our friends and their multiple off-spring, and had muffins, croissants, cheese, jam, coffee and PLENTY of sparkling wine and juice. Richard also did a huge fry-up of eggs, bacon, sausage, mushrooms and tomato etc.

After brunch we took a lovely relaxed walk around the resevoir. It was nice being able to relax and chat and just enjoy being for a while and not have enything else to do, or anywhere else to be.

We ended up staying on till almost 5pm as it was so lovely.

We got some lovely gifts too, including flower, a cute potted plant, Melissa's goodies, and an awesome set of Martini glasses and some cocktail accesories (flavoured syrups and sugars), so we'll need to host a cocktail party soon...

I took my camera along but forgot to take any pictures (twit).