Saturday 6 May 2006

Quinn got the merit badge!

At Rondebosch each grade has 2 merit badges. Deserving boys are awarded the merit badge at the Friday assembly, and get to wear the badge for a week. The selected boy's names are called and they have to stand up in front of the school while the school is told what their merit badge is being awarded for.

In Grade 1 the system is slightly rigged as they try to work so that each child will get a turn to have the badge at least once in the year. So they can get a sense of pride and achievement.

Anyway Quinn was awarded the merit yesterday, and was BEAMING when I went to collect him. He was so proud in fact, that he declinded to change into his afteracre clothes, because he wanted me to see him fully dressed in his uniform with merit badge. Awwww!

I felt SO proud of him when I saw him.

He said his badge is for trying hard to finish his work. Which has been his biggest challenge so far this year. We have been working hard on improving his speed, accuracy and focus when completing particularly writing tasks.

Quinn proudly displaying his MERIT badge.

Quinn is also becoming a keen (and covert) photographer. Almost everytime I download photos now, like this morning to get this one, I find a couple of shots taken by him, and a lot of them are really not bad. I think I am going to dig out my old camera and let him use it officially.

p.s. On another note his teacher wants to see us again next week. I am a bit nervous. I hope she is not too concerned about his progress, because from what I can tell he is doing well....


  1. He looks so proud! Well done Quinn :)

  2. Thanka for the helpful messages. I just love the veganlunchbox site. That's right up my alley. Great blog, btw, and well done to Quinn. (Cute boys!)

  3. WTG Quinn....he looks SSOOO proud
