Wednesday 31 May 2006

... a night of bliss

Well I was again surprised and treated last night by my new and improved husband.

He has become ever so sweet recently. I am very lucky :) While I have been a work-a-holic alternating with nervous-wreck in recent months, he has quietly and uncomplainingly been picking all my slack, from fetching and carrying kids, grocery shoppping, cooking, taping my favourite programs, making tea and coffee, giving me foot rubs and generally being kind and supportive and patient with me, and to be honest hasn't got a lot back in return. In the times I have not been working I have often gone off for a run to think and burn my nervous energy.

I am however very appreciative and grateful. Thank-you!!!!

Which brings us to last night when I was surprised anew. I was given a drink (Amarula - my favourite) and a note, after coming home from yoga, inviting me to go enjoy a relaxing bath, while the kids would be put to bed. I very willingly obliged - who wouldn't?

After the bath and cup of tea, I got another note asking me to dress up (however I like) and that layers would be good. This I did, being creative... (Yes I own suspenders, and stockings etc and it's fun to be able to wear them sometimes.)

I went through to our lounge where another drink was waiting for me, and a laptop on the table....

It turned out we would be playing a game called Bliss.

" When a game of Bliss is started, the users are asked to supply information about themselves and their environment. This information includes what toys are available (such as Ice Cubes, oils, feathers, etc.) what they are each wearing (in detail), and their current mood, which the game calls a Passion Level. Players can also create and edit Profiles, in which they can specify what types of sexually activities they do or don't like to participate in.

Once the game is started, players take turns rolling the dice, moving around the board, and performing actions as specified by the game. Each turn, the game selects an Action for the player to do. Actions vary from talking all the way to stripping, dancing, and explicit sexual activities. Occasionally, a player will be told to remove an item of clothing that they are wearing.

Music is a significant part of the game, and plays softly throughout the game. However, certain Actions allow the user to select a song to be played for the duration of that action. Music is commonly used for actions involving stripping or dancing. Players are encouraged to enhance or replace the music supplied with the game with their own favorite music.

As the game proceeds, each players Passion Level slowly increases, which allow more explicit actions to be played. At the beginning of the game actions are likely to involve talking, hugging, or soft kisses. Later on in the game, the actions will involve intimate physical contact" Taken from the wikipedia description.

Richard had aparently preconfigured all the choices of music and props etc. So all I had to do was fill in my clothing options. It has quite an amazing range of choices, and each on of the items I was wearing was listed :)

We got started and it really is similar to monopoly with rewards and penalties etc, and some of the antics we were ordered to do were hilarous. For instance him having to perform a strip routine to some ridiculously raunchy music - but he was only to remove his socks! Then later having to strip completely, but then dress again, all in 2 minutes... There was much rolling around laughing on my part.

Other activities included me having to look at him and tell him what I appreciated about him for 2 minutes (something I should do more often), and me getting kissed on my neck only for 2 minutes - lovely! There is a timer to count down the time too, so you don't either get too carried away, or give up to soon...

Apparently you can turn the heat on the game up or down as much as you like accoring to how saucy you feel at the time or how adventourous you are...

I'll leave the rest up to your imagination, but the evening ended very well ... :)

I would recommend that any couple who wants to reconnect, spice things up, try something new or just have a bit of fun try this out. It is funny, silly, sensual and romantic.

We'll be playing again!

Find out more about the game and/or download Bliss here.


  1. Jane,

    My name is Don, and I own Games for Loving and wrote Bliss. I am so glad that you had fun with it. It warms my heart to hear stories like this. I would have just emailed you, but I can't find an email address on your site anywhere.

    Please contact me at, I would love to exchange an email or two with you.

  2. That sounds like a brilliant game :) I'm so glad to hear that he is changing and doing so much to keep you happy. What on earth have we done with our husbands?

  3. I have still not played the game but it sounds very intreting i am single but would love to play it when i am married *wink*
