Thursday 1 June 2006

Happy Birthday Edubuntu

So today is the day all the variants of Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake take to the air and are officially released to the world!

You can read all about it on:
The Fridge
Ubuntu's website and pretty much everywhere else.

Congratulations to the whole distro team who worked tirelessly to get it perfect!

Most exciting for me it to see Edubuntu growing from strength to strength. Edubuntu was born in October 2005. It had pretty humble beginnings, but thanks to ogra's unparalleled comitment and dedication it has grown and flourished to the point that there is now a vibrant and cooperative community and a large and loyal following. The folk who form part of our Edubuntu community are the most keen, enthusiastic, and motivated people I have met, and it is a proviledge and inspiration to associate with them. (I was going to try to list you all, but I know I will leave someone out - you know who you are) :) You guys ROCK!

With the additions and improvements in Edubuntu 6.06 and an added drive to market and promote Edubuntu, I have no doubt that Edubuntu is going to become a force to be reckoned with in the educational computing arena. Mark my words. I will be watching the swift rise up the DistroWatch charts.

Also I am thrilled that Edubuntu is now available on officially printed CDs, complete with awesome packaging (see the CD sleave pictured below) -
order your free Edubuntu CD now!

I have not yet baked a cake to mark this momentous occasion, but I do have a fairly strong urge to do so... we'll see.


I am very sad that I will soon be waving goodbye to this fantastic team (hopefully I will still be visiting and contributing from the side-lines though), but I am certain that Edubuntu will be more than ok with the awesome team it has looking after it.

Keep on doing for the kids!

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