Tuesday 6 June 2006

We're expecting the tooth mouse tonight!

Quinn lost his first baby tooth today. :)

We first noticed that it had started getting loose in the first week of May. He has been wiggling in on and off since then, and it was getting progessively looser, but still seemed pretty firmly attached. Yesterday Quinn took a bite of an apple and said it hurt. Follwing that the tooth was much looser.

Last night we all took guesses as to when it would come out. Little did we know it would be the very next day!
Quinn and his tooth.
(The Harry Potter lightning 'scar' on his forehead is from a party on the week-end - it doesn't come off!).

He arrived home from school with a toothless grin this afternoon, and the tooth in an envelope which the teacher had labeled appropriately 'Quinn's tooth', with a smiley face.

He has brushed the tooth, to make sure it is nice and clean, and is now busy writing a letter to the tooth mouse. His tooth mouse pillow (which he has had for about 18 months now) will finally be used tonight!
The envelope the tooth came home in...

The excitement!

Update: Here's the letter and tooth, as left for the tooth mouse... It reads:
Dear Tooth Mouse 6 June 2006
Here is my tooth. It came out today. I hope you can make something nice with it.
from Quinn

What's the going rate for teeth these days?


  1. I used to get 50c or R1 but that was 27 years ago, so with inflation I'd say about R2000 :)


  2. That's great!!! Quintus cannot WAIT for his first baby tooth to come out.
