Wednesday 7 June 2006

I'm sick... and the destroyers.

I am sick sick sick.

I hate being sick :( I hate being able to do nothing when I want to work, exercise, clean stuff, organise stuff, shop etc etc. I am not good at stopping unplanned and doing nothing - when there is stuff to be done. I hate it! *sulk* It doesn't help that it is suddenly unseasonably hot and dry here - over 20 degrees each day.

I had a cold a week or 2 ago. It was bearable, life went on and I was fine with it. Colds happen. Then Richard was struck by a flu and spent most of last week in bed. He looked ok, but was very phlegmy and siad he felt awful and had a lot of sinus pressure etc. He didn't get out of bed for several days. I was pleased that I had had the mild version...

The on Monday I felt less that great. I wrote it off to a lingering hang-over after my extreme excess on Saturday night (enough said), but by yesterday I was much worse, to the point where I couldn't take the kids to school and spent an extra 2 hours in bed before getting up and working - at half speed. I was sure that was the worse of it.

So I went to bed last night expecting to wake up fresh and early and take the boys to school and even fit in a quick run before starting a full and productive day of work... well that didn't happen! I woke up during the night wimpering from the extremely sore throat I had. This morning I didn't even wake up, managing to sleep through the alarm and school preparations. I only woke up fully and got out of bed at 10:30am.

I have the worst sinus pressure I think I have ever had. It's is NOT nice. I have a really sore throat, headache and lots of disgusting yellow-brown phlegm. Basically I feel like crap. You know when at first you are scared you are going to die? and then after a while you are scared you AREN'T? Kind of like that... :/

I am sitting at my desk now, but can't actually think straight, so I am not sure if I am going to be able to do anything. I may need to go lie down again. But with only a week left at this job, it is not the ideal time to be sick and having to take time off .

On another note my Dad owns a company which does engineering and instrumentation sales, installations and maintenance etc. One of their new lines of work is Hydrogen Electrolisers. He was down in the past week with my brother in law, doing a maintenace overhaul in Saldahna Bay. They job had some mishaps and things took longer than expected etc etc and in the end they had some left over stuff that they needed to stash at my house on the way to the airport. It is meant to be here for safe keeping. Hopefully I will get a proper box and be able to actually pack it away soon, but right now this is what is happening to the stuff...

Destroyers R us!


  1. SO sorry you are sick too. It sucks big time!
    It sure looks as though the kids are having fun with all that stuff!!

  2. Feel better soon! Cute kids!

    Mary, mom to many
