Monday 19 June 2006

Busy Long Week-end

We had quite a busy and active, but over-all fun long week-end.

On Friday we got up late and went for a loooong drive. We ended up at Cape Point Nature Reserve at around lunch time. We had a yummy picnic lunch: fruit, a selection of sweet and savoury muffins, coffee and juice etc, before meeting up with some friends. We then walked up to the light house (the kids got a free funicular ride, which was part of a current holiday special) where the 2 oceans (the Atlantic and the Indian) can be seen meeting and mixing, it was a bit misty so the view was not as spectacular as it sometimes is, but it's always an impressive sight. Contrary to many people's beliefs this is NOT the Southern most tip of Africa (Cape Aghulas further to the East has that honour) but it is the most South Westerly tip.

After going back down, the kids got a free ice-cream (as part of the special). We then drove around the reserve, which is quite large and ended up at Cape of Good Hope (within the reserve), where we walked to the top of the peak and looked at the Dassies on the way. Both Quinn and Griffin managed the steep walk with ease, despite a strong and chilly wind buffeting us.

We had such a nice time there that I have decided to renew our wild cards so we can go in more often, and not have to pay the fairly hefty once-off entrance fee. The wild card will give us access to Silvermine, Langebaan, and The Cape Point reserves as well as Boulders Beach etc for a year.

We went home and had a quiet evening in front of the TV. Although half-way through the quiet evening I discovered that the couch was moving under my arm! It turned out that Griffin had left his rat on the couch in the morning and she had burrowed in under the covers and spent the rest of the day gnawing through the cushions. As per Queen Victoria 'we are not amused'.

On Saturday we had planned to summit Lion's Head with some friends, but they pulled out at the last minute, so Quinn and I decided to go anyway. It was a perfect South African winter's day, with clear skies and warm sunshine. Quinn managed the walk well, and within an hour we were at the top. Photos are here. We had a nice picnic and snapped photos of each other. Cape Town was looking absolutely stunning!

Quinn right at the top of Lion's Head
It was actually lovely that it was just the 2 of us, and we chatted and bonded nicely. After descending again we were hot and sweaty so I decided to take Quinn to Camps Bay, as it had looked so nice from the top. The water was pretty chilly so I chose to stay on the sand, watching a photo shoot in progress while Quinn had no qualms about leaping into the freezing Atlantic water. Brrrr!

After that we headed home where friends were meeting us for Rugby (SA vs Scotland - we won!) and a braai (BBQ). I took the 4 boys to the park to play rugby and run around, and then we went back to eat and relax. Thus ended another day.

Yesterday was of course Father's Day. Quinn made toast for Richard (Bovril with margarine on TOP *eeuuw*) and we had several cups of coffee in bed. We then met friends at the gym (The ones who were meant to climb Lion's Head). I hadn't seen her for a while and we had lots of news to catch up on so ended up spending enough time on the treadmill to do 8km before realising it - hence making the previously mentioned 800km mark. \o/

We finally packed it in and headed to the Mugg & Bean for 'breakfast', although it was already 13:00. We all had eggs and ham/bacon etc and far too much coffee and hot chocolate. YUM.

A walk was needed after that so we headed for the nearby Alphen Trail, part of the Constantia Greenbelt. It is very lush and green and has a swiftly flowing river alongside it, and many many dogs and horses out for walks. It's really beautiful. I'd like to go running there soon.
Richard, Griffin and Quinn on the Alphen Trail

We got home after 4pm, had tea and swiss rolls and then Richard and I had to get ready to go out to see 'The Best Man's Speech' by Louw Venter. Reviewed here.

Louw is Corne of Corne and Twakkie fame. He looks rather different without the moustache and he has a completely different persona in this show too. I actually thought he looked and acted a lot like Mark Shuttleworth, which may be why I was in stitches ;)

It was actually very funny and I giggled a lot.

"Louw Venter effortlessly takes the idea of the best man’s speech gone wrong and amplifies it by a cringe-worthy four thousand times. The show positions itself somewhere between ambush theatre, stand-up comedy and the good ‘ol South African wedding reception. Complete with cheap tuxedo’s, expensive flower arrangements and the compulsory wedding music CD compilation. So, apart from razor sharp comedy that explores the complexities of marriage, kids, parents, love, life and everything in between"

We were seated RIGHT at the very front next to the stage, so I was given the first glass of champagne he handed out at the beginning, and we were picked on as the 'Christian's' of the group. LOL. As the 'wedding' is between a jewish girl 'Sherryl' and a Christian boy 'Sean'.

I think he is brilliant and has extended comedy in the country by a long way. He is very clever, relaxed and is a natural actor and this concept works well. He also sings amazingly well.

Oh and we also caught the Brazil vs Australia world cup soccer match in Obs Cafe before the show, that was quite an exciting game and Fred's goal near the end was amazing. I also love the way Ronaldinho grins all the time and looks like he is really having fun. :)

So that was the long week-end, and now it is the start of a new week and my new job. I'll let you know how that's going when I have a chance....

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like SUCH an awesome weekend. Especially so the time you spent with Quinn. I love those photos. It's SO beautiful there.
    You are looking SO good.
