Tuesday 20 June 2006

My sweet boy

My sweet sweet boy Quinn - pictured here looking rather odd, as he seems to enjoy performance art related to facial contortions and manipulation...
....see he has been doing it for years! (The picture below is from December 2003)
Anyway I digress... my sweet boy had prepared the following Love Letter for me today. He ran out to greet me with it this afternoon when I came home from work, and told me I can keep it with me when I am away at work to remind me of him. *sniff*

Needless to say I love it and was very touched by the gesture.

So far the new job is going well. I am mainly undergoing training this week, and have a lot of theory and new templates to digest, and will also be handling the day-to-day management of a team of staff, so I need to study up on the company's HR policies too.

I have not had much time on-line as my 'new' laptop (actually a used HP hand-me-down) is not yet set-up and the training has been one-on-one training with a lady who has come down from JHB to help with my induction. Hopefully when I settled in I can spend more time on-line and communicating.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhwww...that is SO sweet! He sure is a sweet sweet boy. Can't wait to see you guys again. If and when we do go to Cape Town, I will most definitely let you know
