Wednesday 14 June 2006

So long and thanks for all the fish...

To all the speacial people of Canonical, Ubuntu, and Edubuntu.

Sadly the time has come and today is my last official day as a Canonical employee. The past 15+ months working with you all has been simply awesome!

Many thanks to each and every one of you for what has been an incredible opportunity and some wonderful memories. I will really miss you all.

Drink Amarula often, and think of me :)

I am hoping I will have time to remain part of the community and stay in touch, and I am always available if you need anything.

I will keep recommending Ubuntu and Edubuntu to everyone, and intend to keep using it myself too.

Here's hoping this is a case of 'until we meet again' and not good-bye.Who knows maybe I'll see you in the restaurant at the end of the universe.

1 comment:

  1. You will never be forgotten ever! You will always be part of Edubuntu (and Ubuntu) history. It's an achievement you can always be proud of.
