Wednesday 14 June 2006

World cup fever - keeping up the side

Since it is world cup fever and all, and I have now watched 2 matches... both without intending to. I kind of glanced at them and got drawn in... some how a world cup becomes magnetic/hypnotic or whatever...

Anyway the question I posed was: "So what's so special about this off-side rule that makes it impossible to explain or understand?"

Well either Richard is VERY good breaking things down into simple and understandable chunks or I am a genius or both. BUT it's really not that hard to understand. The dynamicness of it makes it tricky to spot, but the rule is pretty basic really!

A player is in an offside position if: he is nearer to his opponents’ goal line than both the ball and the second last opponent.

There are exceptions, and every time someone (or the ball) moves they could be changing whether someone is off side or not, but given a freeze frame I am pretty ceratin I could now spot off-side or not.

Yay me!

Edit: I just found this page which explains it pretty simply and understandably too. You can now too understand this 'OMG this is so hard you'll NEVER get it' rule.

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