Monday 17 July 2006

Active Week-end

After a week of sedentary since returning home I made up for it over the week-end, but not before warming up with some good excess on Friday night.

A friend invited the boys to sleep over on Friday night. We suddenly realised that the result was a night alone for Richard and I, so we quickly made plans to go out.

We went into town and had a Thai dinner at Simply Asia (we had a 105 Pla-muk Taud and 508 Pasta Khi-Mao Nua to share). After that we went to see a show called Two to Tango at On Broadway. It was very good, definitely worth watching, and at only R65 per ticket a very reasonable theatre experience. The script, production and acting were all pretty faultless.

It turns out On Broadway is a dinner-theatre and the dinners looked and smelled good. So next time we will eat there. As we had already eaten we ordered drinks (I had a yummy Yellow Bird cocktail, and got extra cherries and Creme De Banana), and then we had red wine and dessert (Brandy Pudding and whipped cream, because you simply can't go through a Cape winter without indulging in baked puddings!).

After the show we decided to stay on in town for a bit so we went to Po Na Na Souk bar in Heritage Square. It is a Moroccan themed bar, very nice decor and uber trendy. To complete my decadent-indulgence I ordered a Dom Pedro.

On Saturday morning I decided I would have to go to gym. This I did, and dutifully completed 7km on the treadmill, before meeting my friend and all the kids at Tokai forest where I was to 'baby'sit, while she ran a cross-country off-road race in the forest. Due to several mix-ups the race she had wanted to run (12km) was hours later than she thought, and clashed with her work shift, so she opted to do the short race (4km) and after discussion with her hubby it was agreed that I would run the course with her, instead of him. As it was a ladies-only race.

So I donned my sweaty and smelly gym clothes again and off we went. It was a bit of a slog for me after already doing 7km and a weights circuit and not being used to running on loose sand and tree roots etc, but I completed the 4km in 24.5 minutes which I thought was not TOO bad, all things considered...

I have agreed to do another race with her in 2 weeks. I should have a bit more fitness then, as I:
- won't have gone out over-eating and drinking the night before,
- won't eat a meal 30 mins before the run (I got a stitch during this race, which normally never happens to me),
- won't have gone to gym just before the race
- won't spend the week before doing nothing.
I am thinking of entering the 8km event. I'll let you know how it goes.

Yesterday I went to gym again. I was meeting the same friend, but she was late. By the time she arrived I had done 6km on the treadmill and some weights. I stayed on to chat to her on the treadmill and did another 5km. So that makes 11km on Saturday and 11km on Sunday.

I am impressed with myself. Go self!

To celebrate the kids and I went to see Cars, and munched on Smarties and a Kit-kat while we watched. It was really good and we thoroughly enjoyed it. I was amazed at how well the cars were personified, and Mater the hill-billy tow truck was by far my favorite character, and my favorite part of the movie was the Tractor tipping, ala Cow tipping.


  1. Now I feel real bad about not starting up running yet. I REALLy need to.
    that night out sounds WONDERFUL!

  2. I wen running TWICE here in London, and no, it wasn't for a sale or anything. I wanted to get fit. I found though that it made me poop. So I took up marathon eating instead....

  3. Pooping is not a bad thing... unless you poop WHILE you run. Er yes running can have several meanings. EEUUUW!
