Wednesday 19 July 2006

Monkey Work

Due to the current massive work volumes and deadlines of our staff on the tariff testing team, I have been asked to help out with the tariff testing. To get them on track and back on schedule.

This has been an interesting experience for me.

I have been given 2x pay as you go 3G sims each loaded with R500, and a list of calls/SMS to make, specifying number/network type, peak vs off-peak and call duration tolerances. I am free to select the numbers themselves...

If you have received a strange, or unexplained call or SMS today it is very likely from me - sorry! The explanations were getting difficult:

"Hi, it's me. ... Yes, JANE... No I don't have a new cell number.... No, I am testing, I need to make calls, to check that the billing is correct. No.... Never mind, just talk to me for no less than 90 secs and no more than 120 secs. OK? Huh. Ok time's up. BYE!"

Interesting facts:
  • I still remember my first phone number I ever knew (678-6008), from when I was 6 years old in Johannesburg. I dialed it, and it is now a fax line.
  • Phoning Vietnam from here is damn expensive! Around R30 per minute.
  • But phoning Australia or Brazil is relatively cheap... R7 and R10 per minute respectively.*shrug*
  • Phoning a land line across the country - even 1200km away- from a cell phone, costs the same as phoning your own home land line from your cell in your own house.
  • 80% of South Africans have complied with the tax return deadline last week. A big increase from last year. (I phoned the newsline) ;)
  • The cellular phone companies are making a LOT of money.
  • I ordered Butler's delivery pizza tonight, using the company phone - it tasted better :P
  • I got 6x free energy-saving lightbulbs with my order. Weird! This is the state of electricity in Cape Town, they are handng out lower energy light bulbs.
  • I have had to work tonight to do all the off-peak testing that was needed. At least I can do it from home.
  • Today was interesting, but after a few days, this will cease to be fun.
That's it. I am tired. Good night.


  1. Sounds fun lol
    You have to explain to me how this pay as you go 3 G sim thing works lol I want to be able to go online from my laptop via my cell when I'm not home. How do I do that! (Yes, sometimes I'm REALLY blond)

  2. You just need a 3G phone and some means of connecting it to your computer, like bluetooth.

    On the energy saving bulbs, I don't care if they use less energy - the nice thing is that they last *much* longer than normal incandescent bulbs. Power tends to go through shaky times here (fluctuation wise, not outages), and at least 1 light bulb would go a week until I replaced them all with energy saving ones. I have not replaced a light bulb in about 7 months now and counting.
