Tuesday 25 July 2006

Smashing Sunday

So on Sunday I crashed my car!

I have not collided with anything since my 'Famous Pineapple Pudding Incident' of 1995, which involved a pole. Remember that Dave?

But since I had the gall the other day to think about how I have now had my driver's license for over 10 years, and am in my 30's and have not had any accident related claims ever I am (was) in a very low-risk profile.... Then I went and screwed it up just days later by rear-ending someone... Yay - NOT!!!

Picture the scene. Sunday evening at dusk, we were driving back from a friend's son's second birthday party. (and no, no alcohol was involved).

It was getting dark and was misty and drizzling. I was relaxed and driving normally and was in no great hurry. The road in question, Prince George's Drive has a lot of speeding cameras on it, so I was not speeding either.

Richard the boys and I were chatting as we were driving....

I approached the big t-junction intersection at Hyde Road. As I got there the traffic light changed to Amber. For a split second I considered going through and then decided it wasn't worth the risk with the mass of cameras there - even though there may have been time. Note here that on virtually every other occasion where this has happened and I have made the decision to go, thinking I was being a bit daring, at least one, and usually 2 other cars proceed through behind me!

Anyway, so I had already decided to stop and was slowing down, when the car in front suddenly decided to stop! I am very thankful that I was not actually accelerating to get through! As things would have turned out much worse then.

On seeing the car in front stop, I knew I had to stop, and damn fast too. I hit the brakes, and immediately started skidding in the rain. I said 'Oh shit', and checked the lanes on either side, but both had cars in them. I realised there was nothing I could do, and even said, 'Sorry guys!' as we skidded and then hit the car in front. The collision was firm, but not that bad at all. In fact I always imagined a collision would be much worse, but I guess we really weren't going fast at all by then, I just couldn't get the car to come to a STOP that quickly.

Having never been in the situation before I never reacted immediately, and wasn't even sure what to do for a few seconds. Richard got out and spoke to the girl in front and agreed to pull out of the dangerous intersection, in the bad weather, and off the road so that we could exchange details and assess the damage.

Her car is fine, mine is quite dinged :/ , and since I opted for a lower monthly policy and higher excess I will be paying R3250 to fix it all.

I am very thankful that the accident was not worse though and that everyone is fine.

There goes my perfect record....


  1. Oh no Jane. Sorry about the accident. It happens so darn quickly. I know what you mean about thinking you could still go through the intersection and the car in front of you decides not to. It has happened to me before and thankfully I could stop in time

  2. Ah Jane-i-Pooh! Welcome to MY world!

    I have NEVER been in a low risk thingy, in fact, Primorus has paid out more on my Patsy than I have paid them...

    And of course, how could I forget you deciding in your very cool way that my sister's pud was better served as an upside down pud, just add car and pole!

    Panel. No. 5 - you kill me!
