Thursday 27 July 2006

Update on my car

Well although my collision seemed not that bad, and I didn't think the damage was extreme at all. It turns out that it is going to cost R16 500 to repair it! YIKES!!

Thank goodness for insurance. I will have to pay R3 200 of that (my excess), but that is not too horrendous. However I am sure my monthly insurance premuim will be increased now. DANG.

I was actually lookng at some bumper bashings as I passed them this week - I have seen several, it's a pretty common occurance in Cape Town. Each time I was thinking wow mine wasn't bad at all - there was no broken glass, no real mangling, in fact my car looks mostly normal, just subtly bent, with the bonnet not fitting down perfectly and the head lamps a bit loose and one indicator missing.

My car is still completely drivable, even the radiator is fine, which is right in the front, and the headlamps and remaining indicator still work. The side wings (fenders?) are undamaged. So it's only the front panel, bumper and bonnet which are affected...

The car only cost R80 000 2 years ago, so I am not sure how they calaculate the repair costs?

1 comment:

  1. LOL - they have arcane and mysterious ways dear! The paint repairs after a friend's dog went mad on my bonnet (I was PARKED at the time...) was R6,000 - then I washed the car and waxed repairs required!
