Monday 25 August 2008

Another egg donor update... cruising

I just got back from another scan...

Eggies are still growing well and all looks good and I feel fine. NO major symptoms at all any more (Unless raging horniness counts?? TMI again sorry! Again hard to pin point the cause of this, it could also be circumstantial.)

I had to have another 2x bum-jabs. Same as last time. I asked what the second one was for and it's basically more fertilizer to help them grow.

A mixture of FSH & LH hormones (Follical Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone - I am impressed with myself that I remember all this, but I pretty much inhale any info related to human anatomy & physiology).

I have one more self jab tomorrow morning (that's FSH btw), and then I go back for a final scan on Wednesday, where I will get ANOTHER 2 bum-jabs. Just call me pincushion!

Then the big day is on Friday. I'll go in at around 11am (and be done by 1pm).


  1. Sounds like you had a great time.

  2. sorry - posted my message before I wanted to (LOL) ...

    Good luck for Friday. I hope it all goes well. You are very brave.
