Friday 22 August 2008

Bonitas Women's Day Race

On Women's Day - 9 August 2008, despite being off from work on the Wednesday and Thursday and only just surviving the day back on the Friday, I went off to the Bonita's Women's Day Challenge. Although I had already entered, paid and registered, and got the t-shirt; I wasn't really feeling fit or able bodied, in fact I was quite an emotional basket case too the night before. I was very much leaning towards just not going. I thought I'd just stay in bed all day and feel sorry for myself instead.

But I got an on-line pep talk the night before and at about 10pm, I thought 'Dammit, I am not going to give up!'. So I decided to pull myself up by the scruff of my neck and just GO anyway. I thought just getting out there would do me good, even if I ended up just walking, or even only doing the 5km course. So I set my alarm...

The boys had stayed over night with their dad for the first time since our split, so I was alone, had no baby-sitting issues or other excuses, and it looked like it was going to be be a lovely day.

When my alarm went off at 6am, I had a second where I thought of turning it off and just relishing the warm bed, and then I decided to just bloody go do the thing.

So off I went to the Bellville Velodrome. I wasn't feeling very strong, but I got going and it wasn't TOO bad. At about 4km I was feeling a tad tired and breathless, and Adele caught up with me and ran with me for a bit. I didn't even know she was going to be there. She soon left me in her dust as we started an uphill which was tough for me. At about 6.5km I walked for a minute or so to get my breath back, and then I decided to give it all I had and run all the way to the finish - which was not easy - remember I wasn't actually well...

I managed to catch sight of Dellie in the last km, and tried valiantly, but in vain to catch her, she came in 30 seconds, and 8 places, ahead of me.

Here's me running as fast as I could (and with no idea I was being photographed) towards the finish line:
I finished in what I think is a VERY respectable 54:35 (although there have been mutterings that the course was a bit short...?). Anyhow, who cares. I ran, I finished, I didn't die and I did ok!

(Results listed on

#1 XINIWE ZINTLE 0:35:50
#143 MACCANNEL ADELE 0:54:01
#151 WEIDEMAN JANE 0:54:35
#1253 CARLIE TASNEEM 2:04:52

I am thinking of doing the Blister's For Bread 10km walk next Sunday, and then my next running race is the Gun Run in mid-Oct - I should have enough time to prepare for that when this egg donor cycle finishes, so in Sept I need to get back on the road and get myself running and fit again!


  1. Wow Jane. Good on you. Very proud. These days I just don't have it in my to get up and exercise. I must. No excuses. I just must.

  2. Blisters for Bread entries closed the 15 august already. Adele is walking with her sister and cousins wife and the babies and i am walking with my sister if you want to join us for a slow one. It starts at 10am though, pretty darn late.

  3. You are such an inspiration.

  4. Well done Jane...and that on top of everything else that you were experiencing.

    The course was spot on...we have used that same route for 4 or 5 years now...
