I think I have done this one before... but here we go again.
(Items in bold I have done, and italics are half done's)
1. Started your own blog - yup back in 2005 with posts dating back to 2003.
2. Slept under the stars - of course. Love it!
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower - yep goes hand in hand with #26. Given more than you can afford to charity - that would be stupid I think. I give but not more than I can afford!
7. Been to Disney World
8. Climbed a mountain - yep Lion's Head, Mount Majuba, little bits of the 'Berg and the one by Greyton/Genadendal. Still need to do Table mountain!
9. Held a praying mantis - whenever I get the chance. I love them.
10. Sang a solo
11. Bunjee jumped
12. Visited Paris - twice and I LOVE it.
13. Watched a lightning storm. Often. I grew up on the high veld, loads of thunderers there.
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch - I taught myself to knit, crotchet, do calligraphy, yoga, birthing, baking, still need to learn to paint one day!
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning - yep.
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own veggies - yep tomatoes, herbs, carrots, green peppers, beans etc.
19. Seen the Mona Lisa at the Louvre – yep on the first Paris visit. It is much smaller than you'd expect.
20. Slept on an overnight train - yep done the JHB - CPT over-nighter quite a few times.
21. Had a pillowfight - yes of course!
22. Hitch hiked - yes in Thailand, but only out of desperation, and a we got a lift on a bike.
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not sick - once or twice (I didn't get paid since I was a contractor anyway) to attend kid's school stuff.
24. Made a snow fort - no never had the opportunity but I have made forts from bricks, wood, mud etc.
25. Held a lamb - yes I love lambs!
26. Ran a marathon - well no but I've done several halfs, so I have half done this one.
27. Went skinny dipping - I do this often at home!
28. Rode in a gondola in Venice - I'd love to do this!
29. Witnessed total eclipse - of the moon yes, and from the top of Lion's head too!
30. Seen a sunrise or sunset - yep lots. Beautiful.
31. Hit a home run - yes I played softball in highschool
32. Been on a cruise - not a proper long one but been on dinner and sunset cruises, does that count?
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace/ home of your ancestors - yep been to Sterkfontein caves/Maropeng and Scotland where my family was from originally.
35. Seen an Amish country
36. Taught yourself a new language - a bit of Thai, some French.
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied - I am not driven by money, I am easily satisfied. A walk on the beach with someone special is more valuable to me than most things.38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing - mostly bouldering, but I did the harness and abseiling climbing once, would love to do more of it.
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David in person
41. Sung karaoke - yes but I sing badly!
42. Seen Old Faithful erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant - a blind date who made me pay!
44. Visited Africa - I live here! But I want to explore Africa MUCH more still.
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight - of course.
46. Taken a ride in an ambulance - sadly yes. Just once, but it was for 3.5 hours and it was not a pleasant experience.
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower - I've been under it twice and climbed the first section. I need to go all the way one day!
50. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling - snorkeling in Thailand. AWESOME!
51. Kissed in the rain - yum.
52. Played in the mud - often.
53. Gone to a drive-in theater - love it, wish there was one in CPT still.
54. Been in a movie – well in the credits, does that count?
55. Visited the Great Wall of China - no but I really want to.
56. Started a business - the Birth Buddies doula business. It's most dormant now.
57. Taken a martial arts class - Does kata boxing count?
58. Visited Russia
59. Worked at a soup kitchen
60. Sold Girl Scout cookies
61. Gone whale watching
62. Gotten flowers for no reason - I love getting flowers. Of any kind, even a daisy from the side of the road. Something that says 'I was thinking about you' or 'you are special to me' makes my heart mushy.63. Donated blood, platelets, or plasma - Not yet but I want to and will one day. I have low BP and slight aneamia so it's not that easy to achieve though.
64. Gone sky diving
65. Visited Nazi concentration camp
66. Bounced a check
67. Flown in a helicopter - nearly got a chance, but it never happened. Bummer.
68. Saved a childhood toy - a doll and some teddies.
69. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
70. Eaten caviar - several times
71. Pieced a quilt
72. Stood in Times Square
73. Toured the Everglades
74. Been fired from a job
75. Seen the changing of the guards in London - yep I have, we tried to make them laugh too/
76. Broken a bone
77. Been a passenger on a motorcycle
78. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
79. Published a book
80. Visited the Vatican
81. Bought a brand new car - had 2000km on the clock, and was only 3 months old. new enough for me.
82. Visited Jerusalem
83. Had your picture in the paper - yep several times
84. Kissed a stranger at midnight on New Year’s Eve
85. Visited the White House
86. Killed and prepared an animal for eating - no but I would if I had to.
87. Had chickenpox
88. Saved someone’s life - I have helped at accidents and 'been there' for people, but I doubt I have seriously saved a life. Besides my own.
89. Sat on a jury
90. Met someone famous - several.
91. Joined a book club - weirdly no.
92. Got a tattoo - yep! I love it.
93. Had a baby - 3
94. Seen the Alamo in person
95. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
96. Been involved in a law suit - yep a divorce
97. Owned a cell phone - several
98. Been stung by a bee - a few times
99. Swam in the Black Sea
That makes 56.. Same as Sally-Jane go figure :)
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Thats pretty darnn impressive!!!