Monday 21 August 2006

I blog alone

Richard found this...

I spill my guts online
At live dot home dot blog my name dot com No one hits my site But it's home to me and I blog alone

I dish out brilliant quotes
On the blogger board of broken links
Guess who leaves me notes?
Yes, I'm the only one and I blog alone

I blog alone
I blog alone

I blog alone
I blog a-

I work all
Day to make the Web admire me
It's not my
Job; if my boss knew, she'd fire me
That's fine; the
New York Times would beg to hire me
Till then I

Bla-ah, bla-ah, bla-ah, blah-og
Bla-ah, bla-ah, blah-og

I mock celebrities,
Politics and sports and TV shows
Then I Google me
And hope it links to where I blog alone

I can't sleep at night
Even on vacation far from home
I pull up my site
To know I'm still online and I blog alone

I blog alone
I blog alone

I blog alone
I blog a-

My only
Friends are avatars and smileys
I humbly
Post my views then praise them highly
Some day I'll
Sell my soul like Bill O'Reilly
Till then I

Bla-ah, bla-ah, bla-ah, blah-og
Bla-ah, bla-ah

I blog alone
I blog alone

I unmask media lies
On the blogger board of broken links
Guess who leaves replies?
Yes, I'm the only one and I blog alone

Hey, look, they
Praised me in the News on Sunday
My site got
Thirteen million hits in one day
Okay, I
Lied, but that could happen some day
Till then I


  1. SOME-one needs an e-hug!

    btw, got told in a round about way by Moss to f-off! Luv it! More later!


  2. just seen I'm the 004444th reader - wot do I win? it's very da vinci code...

  3. No no no. Da Vinci was Fibonacci sequences.

    YOUR relevance of the number 4 must be you preoccupation with:
    Your Four-skin
    Four-eign countries
    Four-il (Foil, ok that one is bad)...

  4. Fourneria
    Four pharks sakes! hehehe

    oh ok if you say so!
