Tuesday 22 August 2006

Bits and Blobs

After 5 full days of sedentary, I went to Kata Boxing last night and feel MUCH better now. After starting the week off really well last week with Kata boxing on Monday and then yoga and a 6km run on Tuesday (to and from yoga in the cold and dark). I came down with a cold.

So on Wednesday I decided I had more than earned a day of rest and thought I'd go for a run on Thursday. But it was not to be, instead, I booked for Richard and I to go see Rob Van Vuren aka 'Twakkie' in his show 'Electric Juju' at the Kalk Bay Theatre in Kalk Bay. They were running a special for the night for dinner and the show for R100. We are Corne and Twakkie groupies anyway, so I thought it was a great excuse to go out. Electric Juju is a pretty ecclectic and avant- garde show, but I thought it was brilliant and Rob is one amazing actor. His range and characterisations are awesome. My first comment after the show was 'Jim Carrey WISHES he was like that'. Now I am not a Jim Carrey fan anyway, so that doesn't seem like much of a compliment, but what I mean is that Rob pulls of exaggerated characters and facial expressions without stretching beyond a point of class and tact. I find that Jim Carrey overdoes everything and becomes cringe-worthy, where as Rob is more measured and restrained in his lunacy and to me therein lies the skill. Perhaps this show is not everybody's cup of tea, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The dinner was excellent too. I had smoked salmon linguini, and a kaluha créme brûlée after the show.

More reviews here and here.

Rob walked around chatting and thanking the audience over dessert, so I told him that I had sent in the picture of Quinn and that Quinn is a big fan of his. In fact when I told Quinn we were going to see him, he thought we were going to be audience members of the TV show and asked if I was going to get into the Jacuzzi with a bikini on! You will have to have watched 'The Most Amazing Show' to get this. Richard took a picture of me with Rob so we could show Quinn that I did meet him. He is much more of a normal person when out of his Twakkie persona btw.

So on Friday I was a bit hung-over and tired and my cold was much worse so I ended up going home early, grazing myself into a stupor and went to bed at 8pm.

On Saturday we went to watch Quinn's Rugby tournament. Francois Pienaar was there again supporting his son, who is also in Grade 1 but at Reddam. Quinn was a little bit more involved this time and stayed focused on the games throughout, even though his actual participation was pretty sparse. The games are pretty advanced and he is too scared of getting hurt to really throw himself in. In fact one little black boy got quite a hard tackle and came down and lay completely motionless. Eventually after several minutes he had still not twitched and I was about to go see if I could assist (ancient first aid training and all). The ref was right down by his face and said to the 2 coaches, 'I think he may be concussed', with that the little bugger let out a huge cackling laugh and said 'Tricked you!'. It was unbelievable, and pretty funny. I was on tuck-shop duty after the games, as this time the games were at Rondebosch.

The rest of Saturday saw me moping around the shops, getting the things we needed for our dinner party, and going for coffee and to collect Griffin at my friend's house. I looked for a new MP3 player to replace my now almost dead one, and got a new pair of running shoes which were on sale. They are Asics Cumulus', and are very comfy. (I wore them to Kata Box last night and they worked well.)

I got an MP3 player at Clicks of all places, but have already taken it back because I found the same model but with twice the storage space (1GB) on Kalahari.net for R30 cheaper. Yay kalahari! Now lets just hope that Kalliba is not the world's Kakest brand... although I suspect it comes close... still I was not going to buy the same 'sport' one I had before, because , it only had a 256MB drive and more importantly I think it died too fast, even if the sweat in my chest is extra toxic. LOL. This one comes with an arm band, so it doesn't have to nestle in my breasts. ;)

On Saturday night we had 3 couples over for a curry dinner, and to play 30-Seconds. Much curry, wine and chocolate was consumed.

After all that I REALLY intended to go running on Sunday, or at least drag my ass to the gym, I mean I had new shoes and everything. But alas I chose to stay in bed until about 1pm and then spend the rest of the day on the couch in front of the TV still in pyjamas *blush*. Where I started grazing on any and everything again. I finally changed out of my PJs at 7pm, when I bathed and put on a fresh pair. Now I do think days like these are good every now and again, but especially when combined with senseless grazing it can make you feel even more BLAH.

So by Monday morning I was not feeling particularly energetic. I coasted through the day and nearly nearly skipped kata box, but I knew I would feel worse if I didn't go, so I did, and now my Mojo is back. Woo Hoo :)

1 comment:

  1. I nearly went to Kata box at Constantia V.A. last night, the 6:15 class if thats the one you are referring too. At the last forest walk we were at Camilla was saying it was good and i havent been to a class in about 3 years and my core strength is pretty much at zero. If you go there regularly, perhaps i should join you on monday evenings, although not sure how much good once a week will do!! lol. Better than nothing i suppose. Running was a better option last night, as i have not done anything proper since last thur, if 20 min on the treadmill on saturday counts then that was it...>!!!
