Tuesday 22 August 2006


Firstly what's up with this wind today? It is really WINDY in Cape Town. Luckily I have a fairly substantial mass, because if I weighed less I would have been blown away! See there WAS a reason I needed to do all that eating this week-end ;) I was very buffeted as I walked from my car in the Cullinan Hotel to the Vodacom building this morning, and I was pushed into an involuntary run for half the distance too. We have a tiny Moslem colleague and have speculated that she has blown to Simon's Town as there is no way she would have been able to walk in that wind...

Last night Griffin, who will be 5 in November, was being particularly huggy and snugly on the couch. I love it when he is like that. He cuddles in close and says 'I Love my Mommy'. It's the BEST.

So while we were sitting there he says, 'The children at my school call me Griff. They mustn't'. I asked him why not, and he said, ' Because my name is GriffIN'. Fair enough. I asked if *I* can call him Griff. He thought and then snuggled into me and said, 'Yes'. I am apparently also allowed to called him 'Monkey Brain', 'Banana Head', 'Stink Bum', 'G' and my personal favourite 'Puffin'. I am not sure when this started but I think it evolved from Griffin - Piffin - Puffin, and I love calling him that, and Only I do.

So we were sitting watching Grey's Anatomy, which is one of my favourite shows, and he was watching too. It does get a bit gory and frantic at times. The last 2 weeks have featured quins (5 babies) born too soon to a women, and all have some medical issue or other. Watching this has been a bit emotional for me, as the babies look the same and are the same size as Angelique was...

Amazingly I said to Quinn last night, 'Do you know what 5 babies are called? 2 are called twins, so what is 5?'. I don’t know how the hell he knew, but he said, 'quins?'.

About 3/4 of the way into the show. Griffin says 'I want to be a doctor'. Very solemnly. He kept watching and then again said, 'I am going to be a doctor and I am going to do that'.

Several more minutes later, he said, 'If I am still small and I work hard I CAN be a doctor when I am big, hey?'. So I told him yes that's right he can. He then said, 'But that boy in my class can't really grow up to be a Super Hero...'

1 comment:

  1. :) This put a smile on my face. I often think of you and Angelique, especially so when I see little babies. Just know that she will never be forgotten. Ever.

    And yes Griffin - you can most definitely become a doctor
