Thursday 14 September 2006


Quinn to Griffin last night:
"We live in CAPE Town, not CAKE Town!"

Drat! Wouldn't that be so much better?


  1. omg that's so sweet - I could just eat your little men up - they've so got your personality!

    But yeah - cake town - i'd move there like a shot!

  2. CAKE TOWN! !! Like the land of Hansel and Gretel?? Yum yum

  3. then Table Mountain could be called the Batten Berg (they're like Petit Fours, but different...)

  4. haha, that is so cute!

    PS LOVE the names Quinn & Griffin!

  5. hi reese,


    Having gone through my childhood as 'Jane the Pain' and mostly hating my boring name, I decided there were enough Janes, Richards, Matthews etc in the world and decided to go for something a bit different. I wanted the names to be unusual but not unheard of, so no Moonunits or Dweezles.

    Both Quinn and Griffin are celtic names (Irish and Welsh respectively) which reflects my heritage (which is actually Scottish).

    Quinn was named after the Manfred Mann song (originally by Bob Dylan) 'Quinn the Eskimo', which we discovered is actually about Antony Quinn who starred in a movie about an eskimo.

    Some Friday trivia.

  6. IRISH and WELSH which reflect your SCOTTISH heritage? yeah that's like me saying I',m straight coz it reflects my gayness...LOL

    Also now I understand US so much betterererer (how do you stop spelling that word?) coz I'm also NOT-IRISH and NOT-WELSH, but Scottish!

    och aye!

  7. Yeah well my self-justifying logic links are usually tenuous at best, but most people don't question them if I state them confidently enough, so damn you for shooting holes in them!
    You may recall I was a Fraser, reportedly decended from Sir Simon Fraser himself...

    So it depends whether your links were for or against William Wallace and Robert the Bruce, as to whether we can be friends or not.

    Incidentally Richard's family are Wallaces (yes they are all wallies) ;P.

    Sir Simon Fraser sided with Bonnie Prince Charlie in a battle and was executed (last person hanged at the Tower of London as I recall) for his treachery.

    The French origins of the Fraser clan are signified in the clan's motto of "Je Suis Prest". Gosh I am very historically bent today.

  8. Je Suis Prest? C'est quoi, ca?

  9. C'a l'air de quelques choses d'escrime...mon dieu... ma francais est tres mal aujourd'hui!

  10. Jaillissent mes Français sont si mauvais, cela que je dois compter sur des traductions des poissons de Babel pour maintenir l'aspect de pouvoir parler français. Pourtant comprenez presque toute la ce que vous dites. Très curieux !

  11. Sur pas au contraire votre Français est réellement plutôt bon. Je suis envieux de vos qualifications !

  12. Also, wenn ich Französisch spreche, es gibt sehr schlimm, und auch meine Deutsch, weil ich habe keine mit mir zu sprechen!

  13. Деиствительно я могу поговорить много языков плох. Будет довольно искусством вы не думает?

  14. now you just being sillier! I speak those two....not the gobbeldegook that you have there, Mr. Tyschler!

  15. eh bien, t'habites au Mont Table? ou Mont Gateau? hehehe

    Rire Fort. (that's laugh out loud....)

    Tombe par terre en rirant (ROFL)
