Wednesday 13 September 2006

Stripping for Comics

So sweeties the theme for this year's MCQP has been announced, and my tickets are booked and paid for.

As I have said before it is the event of the year in Cape Town, for open minded, free thinking, party people. For a 101 on what, where, why, who and how, look here. Tickets are cheaper until Monday and then they get progressively more expensive.

This year the theme is 'Comic Strip' and the possibilities are simply endless!

Be there or be some kind of boring 4-sided shape...


  1. But Jane-i-Pooh! I'm due in SA in three weeks time, for 7 days, 4 of which will be in Cape Town (I better see you, and possibly Lindy too - how is Sommervilles these days?)

    Anyway, so I'[ll be in London in the SNOW when MCQP is have my permission to have fun without me though - just beware funny little pills!

  2. Gosh! You want to see me too!! Well!! Let me tell you about our get togethers. I saw jane often when we were ten and eleven, went to highschool didnt see her for another 20 years, she ran past me at x country on the 15 July not even noticing each other, then we met on the 29 July , spoke for about half an hour and that was the last we saw of each other, and appear to leave all our socialisations to the internet.!! like cyber friends! yes, partly my fault as i just cant seem to get it together in the week and she has such an active social life, we have finaly arrange a second meeting for the 4th OCTOBER!!!!! Thats how it goes here!!! So get your bit in now and make an appointment so we can all meet and be silly.

  3. excellent stuff - Jane is like that, though - a busy bee on the go 24/7!

    I fly out to SA on the 7th of October and should be down in CT around the 11th, so you'll get to see Jane twice in one week! Yay!

  4. Is the trapezium a boring four-sided thing? I don't think the trapeziums get enough acknowledgment!

  5. Jane you make this event sound like so much fun, I was seriously contemplating rounding up the troops and going this year, my diary which usually is most uneventful tells me now that i am busy that day 16 Dec. ITs my friends bloody wedding!!! ANd i REALLY want to go to her wedding, so it will have to be attempted again next year. Looking forward to seeing pics of your costumes again, the theme is a brilliant one and was already thinking about what i could go as! Darn!!

  6. I went once, sadly Jane wasn't there, I don't think. It was the Cowboys n Indians theme - I had sooooooo much fun! Highly recommended!

  7. oh no - I feel a brace of Lone Ranger Jokes starting up...

  8. Hi guys.

    Dave granted some four-sided shapes are more exciting that others, but none-the-less none of them are as exciting as the pentagon! Which one of our Afrikaans professors described, as 'named as such because when viewed upside-down it looks like a pair of penties!' ;)

    Dave we'll have to have a soirée or 2 when you are in town for sure, sushi perhaps? Or/also I'll happily go to Somerset Road with you - not standing on the street corners though!

    Lindy dairise that week-end for next year (always the Saturday closest to Dec 16th).

    But now, back to work... must pay te bills ya'know.

  9. Not the street corner? Hey no fun!

    Are there any decentclubs stil laround that area?

    I've been hearing about Chrome...and I'm all the way over in London, so those parties MUST rock! Ok, so I knwo the DJ - I'm just a DJ whore! I'll send you the flyer...

    "penties"? Sies!
