Wednesday 11 October 2006


Well the Gun Run results took forever to be released, it was pretty frustrating waiting for them!
(apparently there were issues with them - I think the problem was more likely for the 21.2km event, but whatever).

So with out further ado, this is how I did officially...

**Race Results**
Race: 10k
Position: 204 (out of 2131 and 56th female)
Time: 53:28

This is an action pic of me doing the Gun Run. I am not sure how far into the race that was, but I think it was 3-4km in... I have never seen myself running before. LOL. --->

Here are a few of the results...

Results for the Gun Run (wp) 10Km race - 2006-09-24 - 2131 finishers

# Initials Surname Sex Age Finish Time Comment
1 N Sonqibido M 20 30:01:00 1st
2 M Friedel M 23 30:35:00
3 V Ngudlumana M 16 30:52:00
4 S Phala M 18 31:02:00
5 H Camphor M 22 31:11:00
25 T April F 21 36:05:00 1st female
30 D Harmse F 32 37:20:00 2nd female
204 J Weideman F 32 53:28:00 ME!
2131 N Combrinck F 37 02:24:33 Last

A full results listing can be found here.


  1. Well done Jane! thats brilliant.
    And then there was me, *sigh*

    No. 1542 out of 1844 In a time of TWO HOURS, SEVENTEN MINUTES and FIFTY SECONDS ... oh my. the end is near.

  2. congrats Jane!

    Lindy - no worries - imagine the time I would have posted - it would have been measured in DAYS!

  3. Well done! That's such a good placing :)

  4. Well bare in mind that it's generally the oldies and fatties doing the 10km :) - the fit and able bodied people do the proper race (21.1) so the competition is much stronger there...

    Plus I wouldn't have even been able to finish that, so you are way ahead of me!

    So if you want to make yourself feel good do an easy race or 2 with us plodders.

  5. Wow Jane. That's awesome!!! Congratulations

  6. us plodders?? jane, let it be known that i have never run a 10km in 53 minutes! And believe it or not, if you wanted to go do a half marathon this weekend, you would finish!! I promise you that!
