Friday 13 October 2006

Started good - ended bad

Well last night started well. I got to gym feeling ready for a challenge, put in 5km on the treadmill and then did the kata box class - which if you can survive past the first half gives you a nice adrenalin rush by the end, and makes me feel like going partying.

Once done I was in the mood for a light dinner (as opposed tyo usually wanting to eat whatever I see), so I popped past Woolies to buy some tasty but healthy salads. Hell, I may even have whistled a merry tune... no wait (ironically) I was belting out The Scissor Sisters 'I don't feel like dancing'!

The point is I arrived home happy and cheerful and looking forward to a fun evening with my family.

Alas, this did not happen. :(

Despite me trying my best to achieve the pleasant evening I'd envisaged, it didn't seem possible. I resorted to retreating without getting rev'ed up and over-reacting. The result of bottling it up was getting a nice migraine, 15 minutes later, so I had to take a handful of headache tablets and go to bed, without any dinner.

My head is still feeling really fragile, and I am not feeling cheerful anymore.

F. it!


  1. HEy I must have been having sympathy pains! Been holed up in bed all day! Why does this always happen after a good night out?

  2. Shame dave, I hope you are better now... did your karma drive over someone's dogma? Come over, I'll make you one with everything...

  3. Oh no Jane. Hope things are better now

  4. heheh thanks for that - make me one with everything, hold the dairy, sugar, oils, salts - basically everything fun!

    Are you feeling better yourself now?

    I'm beginning to wonder if I suffer from seasonal affective disorder? All this illness only started with autumn!

    Did you catch up your scrumptious meal though?

  5. AAAAW shame man, hope you are feeling better and are ready to tackle the world today? Luckily i dont suffer from migraines but i know people that do and its quite frightening how quickly they sneak up and take over! Shoo! Hope the rest of your weekend was better!
