Friday 17 November 2006

Celebration Day

On Tuesday Quinn has his celebration day at school. It is a mini valedictory for the Foundation Phase (FP) which comprises of Grades 1-3.

At the celebration day the parents and children from grade 1-3 gather together in the school hall to remember and celebrate the achievements of the school year.

Each child receives a certificate recognising an area of achievement for the year. These achievements range from Excellence in a particular area (generally in one of the 'three R's' - you know reading, riting and rithmetic ;)) or art, to Good Progress throughout the year in one of those areas, or for the less academically inclined Perseverance, Helpfulness, Courtesy, or Kindness etc.

The head of the Foundation Phase, who happens to also be Quinn's teacher this year, spoke to them briefly, and then they were addressed by their Head Master Mr Ryan, who I still think is phenomenal. Then there was a guest speaker who is on of the Head of Wynberg Boys High - but his 4 (!!!) sons go to Rondebosch. He was a great speaker and spoke wonderfully to the boys, starting by asking 'whose bum is sore from sitting on the hard floor so long? Stand up and stretch'. He gave them some nice advice and motivation too and I love the bit about, 'It's ok to give mom an extra hug and kiss at home when no one else is looking, and you might even get your favourite pudding if you do' :)

Then it was time for the certificates themselves. I missed the actual hand over of Quinn's certificate because I was trying to get a photo (D'oh), but he did great after a slight hesitation over which hand to shake with. Shame some of the boys were very comical with this getting totally muddled. I remember finding this slightly nerve wracking too, and having the shaking hand slightly extended and ready before hand so I could remember to shake with this hand, and then reach and take the certificate. Quinn’s certificate was for Good Progress in Reading Throughout the Year. I think that is great, especially considering he is still the youngest child in the school, and will be until the new Grade 1’s start next year. He will even be younger then some of them!

After the formalities were over a wonderful and very generous tea and snacks were served with chocolate ice-creams for all the boys. It was a lovely way to end the year (still 2 weeks to go though).

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