Monday 20 November 2006

Running and Swimming

Another week-end is over all too soon.

After feeling really tired and deflated last week, and doing nothing except mooch at home and go to bed early from Monday to Wednesday I finally felt better and got myself out to Yoga on Thursday and then went to see 'Children of Men', I can't decide what I thought of the movie, but the birth scene was very realistic (for a change) which I liked - I think that's just me though ;) I didn't really think a lot of the plot made a hell of a lot of sense, but I have decided not to invest too much time thinking about it.

I finally got myself into the gym for the first time in a while on Saturday while Griffin was at a party. I did 7km on the treadmill and some circuit work, where I decided to do some crunches. Oh My god I am still in agony 2 full days later. Lindy htf did you do 150 of those buggers???? I think I did 70 or so.

Sunday morning was the Landmark's Fun Run. Which was also the anniversary of my first ever entered running event last year. I had to take the boys along with me this time, and got them all ready the night before so that the 6am Sunday wake-up call would not be too harsh. I also learned that eating HALF a watermelon on your own the day before a run is not the best idea in the world, and had some unpleasant cramps as a result... Still watermelon season is my BEST time of the year and I go through far more of the stuff than can possibly be good for you.

We managed to arrive on time on Sunday morning and I set the kids up at the park by the jumping castle and made my way to the starting point. The race is at the Western Province Cricket Club which is so close to my home that I ran there last year. So the boys know it well and are quite at home and at ease there.

I was meant to be meeting Beryl, but she was nowhere to be seen so I made my way to the front third of the pack alone and waited for the start. The first km was very easy (and I am sure it wasn't a whole km) but the second was much longer and harder and so was the 3rd, hrm. I did the race in 35-36 minutes last year, and was expecting to beat that easily this time, but after rounding the 3km half-way and water point I was not feeling to strong, and felt like I was running really slowly. I had a brief walk at about 4km, and then decided just to get it over with. I think my inconsistent exercising has left me a bit less fit than I was a few months ago, when my legs would tire before my lungs did, and that was only because my legs had been very used.

I ran up the last hills back to WPCC and got to the finish line. It took me a while to remember to check my time and my stop watch said 31.30, so I finished at 31.20 I think. Wow, better than I had expected during the race. So I am happy with that.

I decided to stick around afterwards because there is quite a nice vibe at this race and I knew Lindy was doing the half-marathon, and I thought Beryl might be there somewhere. A kiddies race was announced and although the boys only had sandals with them they both decided to compete anyway, since it was only 750m - twice around the tennis courts. So off they went. Griffin missed the start and stayed back crying, but when the group came around the first time he jumped in and followed for the second lap. They were rewarded with a GOLD medal, Bibo juice, balloon and a little ballet teddy - which they love.

We then went to cheer Lindy on as she finished what really seems to be a really gruelling half-marathon, I have a lot of awe for people who can do that. We sat around and chatted for a bit and then Lindy had to go home (next time you are coming for tea!), so we went home, showered and went off to Melkbos to meet with friends. We all swam in the sea - including me, which is pretty unheard of in the fridgid Atlantic, but it was really hot outside so I survived. Then we went to a lovely little beach front restaurant called Cafe Orca where we had a late lunch. The portions were gigantic. I had Seared Tuna and the Boys had fish and chips all of which was really delicious, and we all took half of it home with us, so got 2 meals for the price of one. I can't wait to have the rest of mine tonight. The boys polished off their fish as soon as we got home.

I had the first swim of the season in our pool, which was chilly but far warmer than the sea. To end the week-end we watched the 40 Year Old Virgin I sent the boys to bed when it got a bit too adult...

Today I feel rested but pleasantly tired and sun kissed - the way you should after a good week-end.


  1. Well done on your run yesterday! 31 minutes is brilliant and it was great to see you and the boys after! I am glad they were given such lovely prizes for their run! That just makes it so worthwhile seeing how proud they were of their medals and toys!!!
    Lol @ your cramps! I love watermelon too and also found out the hard way, do not eat that before a run! lol. that and grapes and any dried fruit!!! The list goes on!!!
    Today i feel as though i have been hit by a bus, not felt this stiff in ages! TEA SOUNDS GREAT!!!!

  2. I LOVED Children of Men! That scene where the baby cries brought me to tears. The woman in the seat behind me said it was the worst movie she'd ever seen, I got so upset with her I told her that if she'd just shut up instead of talking in the movie she may have a chance of undeerstanding the quite simple plot. Cow.

    Well done on the run!

    Oohhhh... - Cafe Orca - I've been there a couple of times! Yum!

  3. Congrats on the good time. Keep on talking about the running and I may even get my ass of the couch and start up again lol

  4. go quinn go !

    you'll be running as fast and as far as mommy soon

    love dad
