Friday 15 December 2006

1 step forward 2 steps back.

So MCQP is tomorrow night, and in an attempt to not look totally blobby and matronly next to the fabulous people who spend the whole year preparing for this auspicious occasion, I decided on Thursday last week that I should start my preparations.
  • So I did a v-fit toning class, followed by 2/3 of a kata-box class. Then on Saturday I ran to Claremont and back, taking a scenic route and popped into the Claremont gym for some arm weights.
  • On Sunday I hit Constantia gym and did 10km on the treadmill and a few arm weights.
  • Monday saw me galloping off 5km on the treadmill and then a hard core kata-box class, which wiped me out.
  • On Tuesday I ran to yoga and back and did 1.5 hours of yoga.
  • Wednesday was kata-boxing with hyper-Norman in Claremont.
  • and Thursday saw me doing 3.5km on the treadmill and then kata-box.
Shew! Notice that's over 3 kata-box classes in one week! Sounds great right?

Well here's the down side. when I exercise more I have 2 very annoying and counter productive side effects.
1) My appetite increases - I want to snack and nibble much more. It also doesn't help that I have been picnicking, and gone out to eat twice in the past week too.
2) I put on weight! Granted it is most likely muscle weight, but still. GAH!

Bloody buggery bliksem!

Today I will rest.

Tomorrow I will P.A.R.T.Y!

1 comment:

  1. LOL LOL LOL! i was supposed to lose 2kg in the last two weeks to fit 'comfortably" in that dress i bought for the wedding. i think i have gained 2kg!! i am dreading trying on that dress tomorrow, and i had better do it in the morning incase it doesnt fit! OOOOOOH!!
    I actually thought on sunday when i saw you that you were looking rather skinny!!!! and that was BEFORE all the major exercise this week, okay, so you did already have a 10km behind you! gosh!! i am sure you will look stunning tomorrow!
