Friday 15 December 2006


I am so bored I actually Googled the word 'bored'!!!

I took a spelling test - and got 43/50 twice! On 2 different tests. At least I am consistent.

I also found THIS way more amusing than I should have...

Most forums are near-dead at the moment too, so no entertainment value there, and I don't feel like trolling on them.

I keep checking for blog updates but they are not forthcoming. I have checked every blog I have bookmarked. Update your blogs with witty and entertaining banter. NOW!

I have also trawled flickr for new photos - add more photos people! Those from strangers are not as interesting, but I did find a nice Cape Town pool.

I have had too many cups of coffee, and eaten all the food I have...

Can I go home now?


  1. *yawn* I feel the same way too! And i have nothing interesting to contribute to my blog at the moment other than whingefulness about life at home with 5 other people!!! eish!!!

  2. First test 43/50 - GAH! (to quote you, of course!) but I realised I'd used the arrows instead of the mouse and it changed some of my answers! Next one, 44/50 - I hang mmy head in shame! Bloody American bloody spelling!

  3. 46/50 on third attempt

    44/50 on the fourth attempt

    42/50 on the fifth and final attempt!

    I kill me now!
