Thursday 18 January 2007

Comet McNaught

Yeah the name is spot on, because there were nought comets to be seen in our skies tonight. *sulk*

So after hearing about Comet McNaught (aka
C 2006 P1) on the news, from Mel, and then from colleague who said it was clearly visible from Cape Town last night and worth a look. I was keen to check it out. We can't see it from our house as we have a great galumphing mountain in the way.

I had also planned on going to gym tonight, because I am off to JHB for a work annual strategy planning session, so will not be able to do any of my usual week-end workouts.

So I rushed home, threw everyone in the car, managing to remember to grab a jersey for us all, and told Quinn to grab the toy telescope he got for his birthday. I managed to make it (only just) to the 5:30pm Bums and Tums class (where I was 2 people away from the aforementioned 'hot teacher'. At least now I know how she gets herself hot ;) )

After that we set off towards town, stopping at a shop to pick up some snacks for an impromptu picnic. I had explained all about the comet to the kids and we were getting very excited about seeing it. The weather was looking ominous though and it was touch or go as to whether it was going to lift or settle, and there was a chance that it was clear in the Camps Bay side of the mountains... so we continued our journey....

Well it was raining and the fog was all the way down to the sea, there was NOTHING to see at all! Boo Hoo. So disappointing.

Apparently this is what it looks like.
Hopefully I will get a glimpse of it from Maropeng tomorrow (where I will be spending the week-end). Doing management pow-wow thingy.

Hopefully the boys will get another chance to see it, because comets don't come by very often... "
For those who miss it over the next week there will be another chance when the comet returns in 85,000 years." Funny - NOT!


  1. It's a pity you didn't get to see it. From what I understand you will be able to see it until Tuesday. It really is worth it.

  2. We saw it in London earlier. BA reached Cape Town much faster.
